
Whenewer i create a subtree of catalogues in my eclipse JAVA workspace,
the default Text file encoding for that subtree is always set to Cp1250
and new text file line delimiter to Windows.
I.e C:\Workspace\Java\Books as a root (where encoding is set to UTF-8 and line delimiter to UNIX) and C:\Workspace\Java\Books\Author\book_name which I want to inherit encoding and line delimiter settings from 1st path

I always have to enter new branch of workspace and manually set those options
for each catalogue to UTF-8 and Unix.

I guess there is a way to set those options once for root catalogue, and apply them to sons automatically, but how to do that ?

I'm using Eclipse Neon.1 EE edition , and working in cloud workspaces only if that matters.

EDIT : I switched my workspace from cloud to desktop and nothing changed to me.


1 Answers


In common Eclipse distributions, you can do the following: In your Eclipse, go to Window > Preferences. In the popup, navigate to General > Workspace. In the lower section on the right side, you should see two settings for Text file encoding and New text file line delimiter.

In the same window, you may also go to the upper left input field, type encoding and then go over every hit (in my case CSS, HTML, JSP and XML Files) and configure which encoding should be applied when creating new files.