I have been going through so many forums & wikipedia's since few days for trying to understand about XSS attacks alomost I have spent 2-3 days but still not get better idea as suggesting multiple solutions by experts & I want know how the hackers can inject malicious code on victims browser ? and my application have been use to run on some App Scanner standard testing tool so its caught so many XSS issues. I want put here one of XSS issue of my application so can please some one help me out to understand the what exactly I have to do for this issue. Still I have been trying a lot to get better understand about XSS issues. This is my code snippet
function getParameter(param) {
var val = "";
var qs = window.location.search;
var start = qs.indexOf(param);
if (start != -1) {
start += param.length + 1;
var end = qs.indexOf("&", start);
if (end == -1) {
end = qs.length
val = qs.substring(start,end);
return val;
var formName = getParameter("formName");
var myValue = '<a href="javascript:parent.opener.assignDateIps( new Date(\''+year+'\',\''+month+'\',\''+thisDay+'\'), \''+contextstr+'\', \''+formName+'\' );window.close()" class="modulelink">'+thisDay+'</a></td>';
document.getElementById('calendarA').innerHTML = myValue;
And these statements are
var qs = window.location.search;
val = qs.substring(start,end);
var formName = getParameter("formName");
var myValue = '<a href="javascript:parent.opener.assignDateIps( new Date(\''+year+'\',\''+month+'\',\''+thisDay+'\'), \''+contextstr+'\', \''+formName+'\' );window.close()" class="modulelink">'+thisDay+'</a></td>';
document.getElementById('calendarA').innerHTML = myValue;
cought by App scanner testing tool as possible code for XSS(Cross Site Scripting) issues but I am not sure how it is cause to XSS & how I can fix this issue now. Can anybody please provide insights on how this vulnerability can be fixed?
variable? – QwertiyformName
in your program.. – Tom Taylor