My code is giving an error" 1004: Select method of Range class failed.
Sub AdvencedFilterNew()
' AdvencedFilterNew Macro
Dim WsOutput As Worksheet
Dim WsMain As Worksheet
Dim wsScenarios As Worksheet
Dim ScenarioIDrow As Long
Dim ScenarioIDColumn As Long
Dim rgn As Range
Dim p As String
Dim q As String
Range("E17:Q350").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:= _
Range("E14:Q15"), Unique:=False
Set WsOutput = Worksheets("Output")
Set WsMain = Worksheets("Main Menu")
Set wsScenarios = Worksheets("Scenarios.New")
ScenarioIDrow = WsOutput.Cells.Find("Scenario ID").Row
ScenarioIDColumn = WsOutput.Cells(ScenarioIDrow, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
p = wsScenarios.Cells(ScenarioIDrow, 1).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
q = wsScenarios.Cells(ScenarioIDrow, ScenarioIDColumn).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)
If WsMain.Range("E15") > 0 Then
WsOutput.Range(p, q).Select
End If
End Sub
So, I am selecting a range based of the address of p an q. Which are A22 and ATX22. I dont know why I can select it. it works in some other codes I use. Another issue, if the number is 4 it finds also all other numbers that contains 4, for example 1014, 1024 and so on. Can someone help me here? Thanks!
method finds cells based on their contents not address. So I believe you wantWsMain.Range("E15")
where you useWsMain.Cells.Find("E15")
– JamesFaix