I'm trying to find the maximum value for each worksheet in my workbook that is dependent on a user-selected range. I want the user to select a range just once and find the max for each worksheet based on that range.
In other words, say the user selects the range B1:B100. The macro should loop through each sheet and find the max value in each sheet's B1:B100 range.
Ultimately, each worksheet has a set of data points that I want to divide by the max value found in the user-selected range.
Here is my code (well, the relevant parts):
Sub Plot()
Dim i, ws_count As Integer
Dim userng, brng As Range
Dim maxval As Double
On Error GoTo Canceled
Set userng = Excel.Application.InputBox("Please input range.", "Input", Selection.Address, , , , , 8)
ws_count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
For i = 1 To ws_count
maxval = userng.Cells(1, 1).Value
For Each Cell In userng.Cells
If Cell.Value > maxval Then
maxval= Cell.Value
End If
Next Cell
Set brng = Worksheets(i).Range("B1:B1869") ''brng will always be B1:B1869 for each worksheet
'Each cell in B1:B1869 should be divided by maxval.
For Each Cell In brng
Cell.Value = Cell.Value / maxval
Next Cell
Next i
End Sub
Unfortunately, the macro only finds the max value for the first worksheet and applies this value to all the other worksheets. Ideally, each worksheet would be divided by its unique maxval
I'd certainly appreciate any help that is given!