I am attempting to extend upon Can I use decltype (or something similar) for explicit template instantiation without signature duplication? for use with templated member functions, but I am having no luck. Current attempts at making this work look like:
// header
struct my_class
template <typename T>
some_type my_func(T val);
template <typename T>
some_type my_class::my_func(T val)
// attempt a
template decltype(my_class::my_func<int>) my_class::my_func<int>;
// attempt b
template std::remove_pointer<decltype(&my_class::my_func<int>)>::type my_class::my_func<int>;
Is this possible? If so, any thoughts on how I can make this work?
so it appears that this requires some compiler update only available in clang or gcc 6.1+. The following code provided by @yakk will work for const methods:
template <class T>
struct pointer_to_member_function{};
template <typename pmf_t>
using pointer_to_member_signature
= typename pointer_to_member_function<pmf_t>::signature;
template <class ret_t, class class_t, class...args>
struct pointer_to_member_function<ret_t(class_t::*)(args...) const>
using signature = ret_t(args...) const;
However, the following modification does compile across all const-ness:
template <class function_t, class class_t>
struct pointer_to_member_function<function_t class_t::*>
using signature = function_t;