
hope someone can assist with this one.

We have created an app for a clients that creates pre-populated Google Forms linked back to a common spreadsheet with other sheets linked to forms. As the Form are completed the script locates the corresponding Forms, opens the Form and unlinks the Form from the spreadsheet. Then the sheet for the unlinked Form is removed from the spreadsheet

99% of the time this works as expected however at times the sheet can not be delete and the Form can not be unlinked removed by code or manually.

We also get sheets with a conflict message appended to the sheet name. Eg this is the 12,454th Form created and linked to the spreadsheet and the sheet name is "Form responses 12454_conflict1685393126" when it should be "Form responses 12454" These Forms also can not be Unlinked.

Has anyone found a solution to this issue?

If you can provide a specific error message, and a line of code that produces that error, it's more likely that you'll get an answer. If there is no error, then provide the line of code that removes the spreadsheet. You did describe the expected result versus what happens. That's the easy part. If this is a bug that needs to be fixed, you would need to provide a way for Google to reproduce the error. Because this works most of the time, it will be very difficult to consistently reproduce the issue. There are quota limits that sometimes cause inconsistent behavior.Alan Wells

1 Answers


You may want to check on this thread. It suggested to do some workarounds which might help:

This link might also help.