I am trying to create a script that adds a Google Form response sheet to a newly created Google Sheet, then creates subsequent Sheets in the same Spreadsheet. The sheets are named upon creation. Here is my code thus far:
var statusSheet, form, ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("SPREADSHEET_ID")
if (ss.getFormUrl() == null){
form = FormApp.create("NEWFORM")
.setDestination(FormApp.DestinationType.SPREADSHEET, ss.getId())
else{form = FormApp.openByUrl(ss.getFormUrl())}
if (ss.getSheets()[1].getRange("A1").getValue() != 'Status'){
.setValues([["Status",'',"Staff"],["Staff",'',"Student"],["Students",,"building"],["Penalty Box",'',"scope"],["Current Offenders",'',"formCreated"],["Audit Log",'',"formPopulated"],['','',"TimeTrigger"],["Form ID",'',"EditTrigger"]])
statusSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Status")
while (ss.getSheets().length < 7){
var newSheet = ss.insertSheet()
var range = statusSheet.getRange(newSheet.getIndex(),2, 1, 1)
newSheet.setName(statusSheet.getRange(newSheet.getIndex(),1, 1, 1).getValue())
var staffSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Staff")
var studentsSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Students")
var PenaltyOUSheet = ss.getSheetByName("OrgUnits")
var currentBoxUsersSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Current Users")
var auditLogSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Audit Log")
It seems that all of the sheets are created, except "Staff". This is the case whether the form is created and/or the values are populated either before executing the function or during the execution. To make matters worse, the Logger within the for Loop isn't recording errors.
I have tried encasing the whole function in a try/catch statement, but there are no indications what the error might be other than the reference to staffSheet fails, because no sheets are named "Staff".