I am trying to make the following query in laravel:
SELECT a.name AS subname, a.area_id, b.name, u. id, u.lawyer_id,u.active_search,
FROM subarea a
LEFT JOIN user_subarea u ON u.subarea_id = a.id
AND u.user_id = ?
LEFT JOIN branch b ON a.area_id = b.id
The idea is to obtain the subareas and see if the search is activated by the user.
The user_subarea table might have a record that matches the id of the subarea table where the active_search is equal to 0 or 1. If it doesn't exist I would like the query to return null.
While I was able to achieve this in raw SQL when I try the same with eloquent in Laravel I am not returning any value. I have done the following:
$query = DB::table('subarea')
->join('user_subarea', function($join)
$value = \Auth::user()->id;
$join->on( 'subarea.id', '=', 'user_subarea.subarea_id')->where('user_subarea.user_id', '=',$value);
->leftJoin('branch', 'subarea.area_id', '=', 'branch.id')
->select('branch.name', 'subarea.name as subarea', 'user_subarea.active_search_lawyer', 'user_subarea.id' )
Any help will be much appreciated.