What I want to accomplish is to be able to change the CSS background-color/color of multiple elements on refresh. I also want them to appear in a grouping. Therefore, not random colors - all specified and in a "set". If possible, I'd like to do three colors (e.g. blue background, dark grey text, white link).
For example:
Color Scheme 1 - Blue background, dark grey text, white link
Color Scheme 2 - Dark purple background, white link, pink link
Color Scheme 3 - White background, black text, green link
Unfortunately, the only codes I can find online are for randomized colors.
I appreciate all the help I can get.
EDIT: Following Paulie_D and Matus' comment, I tried to write up my own code with more research and multiple trial and error. Finally I came up with this.
<link id="colorscheme" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
var stylesheets = ["schemeone.css", "schemetwo.css"];
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * stylesheets.length);
document.getElementById("colorscheme").setAttribute("href", stylesheets[rand]);
However, Oliver's code compiles the color schemes in one CSS file, so thank you very much for the alternative and to everyone who gave me advice and direction.