
I use APEX 4.2.

I've an interactive report with this query:

    select col1, col2, col3, col4 
    from MyTable
    where function_check_user('ADMIN');

The function function_check_user() returns 1 if the user, who has the role 'ADMIN', can show the result of the query. I'm using the APEX procedure apex_util.public_check_authorization()

create or replace FUNCTION function_check_user
  xrole  VARCHAR2
return integer IS
xcheck  BOOLEAN;

    xcheck:= apex_util.public_check_authorization(xrole);
  if xcheck then
     return 1;
  end if;
     return 0;

Problem: I set up the inetractive report with the query and try to run it on my Application. I had this error:

Oracle Apex ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query tips.

It works when I use the query without the function in the where clause:

select col1, col2, col3, col4 
from MyTable;

Is there an issue with the use of the procedure apex_util.public_check_authorization() ?


Yes, looks like it. That error occurs when you attempt to use a function in a SQL statement that contains a DML statement (i.e. INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE). You could maybe add a pragma autonomous_transaction to your function, or maybe Kishore's answer here may help?Boneist
But there is no DML statement in my function ?O. Sam
Not in your function, but it looks like there is inside apex_util.public_check_authorization. I bet if you took that function call out of your function, it'd work.Boneist
Yes it works when I call it independently ! As you said I think there is a DML stat in the apex_util.public_check_authorization. thank youO. Sam

1 Answers


You can work around it by declaring pragma autonomous_transaction in the function.

create or replace FUNCTION function_check_user
  xrole  VARCHAR2
return integer IS
pragma autonomous_transaction;
xcheck  BOOLEAN;

    xcheck:= apex_util.public_check_authorization(xrole);
  if xcheck then
     return 1;
  end if;
     return 0;