
I have created the Tablix below (using list). The lines are grouped by "LineNum".

In the highlited textbox I have added another tablix for BOMItems. Dataset is same as for parent tablix. Depending on one checkbox ("PrintBomItems") I want to track this line's visibility.

If I set visibility check on nested tablix, the values are / aren't displayed as expected, but the case is that the line itself is still visible between "Search name" and "LineAmount".

So I want to set visibility to the parent tablix's line, where the nested tablix is located, But can't achieve it.

Could you suggest anything?

enter image description here

If question isn't clear enough please ask me to clarify more.



1 Answers


I can't reproduce your exact scenario so I'm not sure this will work, but could you hide the details row of the parent tablix?

What I mean is right clicking on the row indicator (for lack of a better name) like this:

enter image description here

But do that for the parent tablix' row, not for the bom tablix.