Some of my customers want to be able to scale my application manually (when Windows dpi is set to 96), so I had to implement scaling. Unfortunately these customers cannot go with setting Windows DPI to an other value and let WIndows scale my app because some very important applications they use do not behave well at all on resolutions <> 96 DPI.
I managed to make my Delphi 10.1 application scale quite well even on 200% but the higher the factor becomes the more some proportions become "not so nice looking". Many 3rd party components need special treatment for scaling and even then do not scale 100% accurate. Although applications scaled by windows look a little blurry on high resolutions, all proportions are 100% accurate and imho the app looks much more professional.
So I asked myself whether it is possible to create a setting that allows to tell Windows to do the scaling as a default and only scale on my own if the customer wants a scaling that is different from the current Windows scaling. This setting is hosted in the Windows manifest of the executable that is read on start of the application. Is there a way to change it at runtime (early startup of the application)? Creating two executables with different manifests is surely no good solution.
Thanks for any help
? If so, see remarks in SetProcessDpiAwareness. – Sertac Akyuz