
I have setup an ignite cluster of two servers and one client. The cluster configuration is as follows :

IgniteConfiguration icfg = new IgniteConfiguration();



Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(icfg);

I have disabled the metrics update frequency and only enabled a few events notifications as suggested in the Performance Tips section of the Ignite documentation.

I have created a cache in the cluster with the following configurations :

CacheConfiguration<Integer,DataPOJO> cacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration<>();



I am loading the cache from the client with 100 000 entries.

The code for the POJO class used is as follows:

import java.io.Externalizable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectOutput;
import java.sql.Date;

import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObjectException;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryReader;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryWriter;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.Binarylizable;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations.QuerySqlField;

public class DataPOJO implements Externalizable,Binarylizable{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @QuerySqlField(index = true)
    private int primaryKey;

    private int foreignKey1;

    private int foreignKey2;

    private String stringField1;

    private String stringField2;

    private String stringField3;

    private Date dateField;

    @QuerySqlField(index = true)
    private String stringField4;

    public int getPrimaryKey() {
        return primaryKey;

    public void setPrimaryKey(int primaryKey) {
        this.primaryKey = primaryKey;

    public int getForeignKey1() {
        return foreignKey1;

    public void setForeignKey1(int foreignKey1) {
        this.foreignKey1 = foreignKey1;

    public int getForeignKey2() {
        return foreignKey2;

    public void setForeignKey2(int foreignKey2) {
        this.foreignKey2 = foreignKey2;

    public String getStringField1() {
        return stringField1;

    public void setStringField1(String stringField1) {
        this.stringField1 = stringField1;

    public String getStringField2() {
        return stringField2;

    public void setStringField2(String stringField2) {
        this.stringField2 = stringField2;

    public String getStringField3() {
        return stringField3;

    public void setStringField3(String stringField3) {
        this.stringField3 = stringField3;

    public Date getDateField() {
        return dateField;

    public void setDateField(Date dateField) {
        this.dateField = dateField;

    public String getStringField4() {
        return stringField4;

    public void setStringField4(String stringField4) {
        this.stringField4 = stringField4;

    public String toString() {
        return "DataPOJO [primaryKey=" + primaryKey + ", foreignKey1=" + foreignKey1 + ", foreignKey2=" + foreignKey2
                + ", stringField1=" + stringField1 + ", stringField2=" + stringField2 + ", stringField3=" + stringField3
                + ", dateField=" + dateField + ", stringField4=" + stringField4 + "]";

    public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        primaryKey = in.readInt();
        foreignKey1 = in.readInt();
        foreignKey2 = in.readInt();
        stringField1 = (String) in.readObject();
        stringField2 = (String) in.readObject();
        stringField3 = (String) in.readObject();
        stringField4 = (String) in.readObject();
        dateField = (Date) in.readObject();

    public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {

    public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
        writer.writeDate("dateField",new java.util.Date(dateField.getTime()));

    public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
        primaryKey = reader.readInt("primarykey");
        foreignKey1 = reader.readInt("foreignkey1");
        foreignKey2 = reader.readInt("foreignkey2");
        stringField1 = reader.readString("stringField1");
        stringField2 = reader.readString("stringField2");
        stringField3 = reader.readString("stringField3");
        stringField4 = reader.readString("stringField4");
        dateField = new Date(reader.readDate("dateField").getTime());


I didn't want to make use of java.io.Serializable as it hinders the performance. I created indices on two fields namely "primaryKey" and "stringField4".

The field stringField4 will be the string representation of the field primaryKey for every entry. If primaryKey = 1, then stringField4 = "1".

primaryKey is also the key for the any entry in the cache.

The query I performed from the client was to fetch 10,000 entries from the cache based upon 10,000 values of the field stringField4. The query is as follows :

IgniteCache<Integer,DataPOJO> testCache= ignite.getOrCreateCache("testCache");

SqlQuery<Integer,DataPOJO> query = new SqlQuery<>(DataPOJO.class,"stringField4 = ?");

long startTime,totalTimeElapsed = 0;

QueryCursor<Entry<Integer,DataPOJO>> cursor;

for(int i=1;i<=10000;i++){

    startTime = System.nanoTime();

    cursor = testCache.query(query.setArgs(i));

    for(Entry<Integer,DataPOJO> entry : cursor){
        System.out.println("Entry fetched with key "+entry.getKey());
        totalTimeElapsed += System.nanoTime() - startTime;

System.out.println("Total time taken to execute query is "+totalTimeElapsed+"ns");

All the queries on an average took 9 to 10 seconds to execute.

Based upon the given data, Can Ignite give the same result in 100 to 200 milliseconds? Can I make in my cluster or cache configuration other than the one's mentioned in the Ignite Docs (I have tried all those) to improve the performance?

I don't want this to be a key based fetch and I know that it is way faster than queries.


2 Answers


I was also facing the same issue like queries was running infinitely. so i will use correct indexes to run query in sub seconds so please check your query explain plan and check there is any full cache scan in query execution plan if you see that then put appropriate individual or grouped indexes. If you can share your one query and its explain plan then we can give you mode idea on it.


It should be much faster if the index is used. I would recommend to run EXPLAIN and check the execution plan.