So I have some webjobs that occasionally connect to a signalr hub and broadcast a message. Below is just an example of one, in this case its a simple web job for development with the TimerTrigger attribute that is set to run continuously every 20 seconds. Like that shown in the code below.
public static void Main()
JobHostConfiguration config = new JobHostConfiguration();
config.Tracing.ConsoleLevel = TraceLevel.Verbose;
if (config.IsDevelopment)
var host = new JobHost(config);
public static void ProcessPush([TimerTrigger("00:00:20", RunOnStartup = true)] TimerInfo timerInfo, TextWriter log)
// Send a signalr message to the Hub
catch (Exception e)
log.WriteLine($"WebJob Push Exception: {e.Message}");
private static async Task SendMessageToHub(TextWriter log)
var hub = new HubConnection(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("MyWebSite"));
var proxy = _hub.CreateHubProxy("MyHub");
log.WriteLine("WebJob Push: Sending message to SignalR Hub.");
if (_hub.State == Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.ConnectionState.Disconnected)
await _hub.Start();
await _proxy.Invoke("BroadcastMessage");
log.WriteLine("WebJob Push: Sent message to SignalR Hub.");
There is always an increment in memory on the server hosting the website and signalr hubs. When investigating the IIS logs on the website, it seems to have surge / batch of POST messages come to the website at the same second, using long polling. It then waits a little while and then gets bombarded with another batch of messages. By the way, this drives the CPU on the IIS Server crazy as well. At the bottom of this post is an example of the IIS log entries.
I'd like to be able to send a signalr message from the web job in a consistent manner with a regular pulse message (we want to expand on the web job - please excuse the fact it runs on a timer for now).
Kind regards,
Example IIS Log entries - notice they have all come in within the same second, instead of 20 seconds apart:
2016-11-15 23:10:35 POST /signalr/poll clientProtocol=1.4&transport=longPolling&connectionData=[%7B%22Name%22:%22MyHub%22%7D]&connectionToken=TBbNVDpndk0riu8UvVzbGJrWjYIo7eMLcP4lk7ABV74OBMbZRTJrCRL1bzsPxpd1Tyle2rS3tV2JJrigninhu880ml51Xers76PPDX0Hf97dTBYR4k%2BVc2V9KAmiGt0p&messageId=d-80E0087-B%2C7D%7CEz%2C0%7CE0%2C0 443 - SignalR.Client.NET45/ - 200 0 0 5343
2016-11-15 23:10:35 POST /signalr/poll clientProtocol=1.4&transport=longPolling&connectionData=[%7B%22Name%22:%22MyHub%22%7D]&connectionToken=KYwQXpNrPIU21NXMa0So5u42EwXTcMlGyLqL3tetx4WfOtTunHLclG%2BhPd%2BcPeZPmfe6KKvQL13XIU1W5fApuTv0XN5XFPoNUmyBjhhISoqodwcZeu3QKmkbaXcpHMtE&messageId=d-80E0087-B%2C7D%7Cav%2C0%7Caw%2C2 443 - SignalR.Client.NET45/ - 200 0 0 10641
2016-11-15 23:10:35 POST /signalr/poll clientProtocol=1.4&transport=longPolling&connectionData=[%7B%22Name%22:%22MyHub%22%7D]&connectionToken=nO%2BPZ8M5JJOpiobpJUV5%2FZvQyEKYjp%2FOuqQ%2F0Bkq05TKRJZfeI%2FD%2BxRyPC7EsAAjXVqJr05PksorlMWrXocGkskfVsLU2Qvtx%2Fi1O8hU5lNz4KcoSc%2Bkv%2BlDpr2AZBLv&messageId=d-80E0087-B%2C7D%7CFB%2C0%7CFC%2C0 443 - SignalR.Client.NET45/ - 200 0 0 18282
2016-11-15 23:10:35 POST /signalr/poll clientProtocol=1.4&transport=longPolling&connectionData=[%7B%22Name%22:%22MyHub%22%7D]&connectionToken=wiGSRiNHdd7crhkcAMd%2FWy%2F3qGRZ5WdBm%2BdbR3b7aTbtpB8aaBGDil%2FqAWha6Si5eEohsUmCxAU4Pkefy%2BNoxoG9fgYC4R66ErXIShyBUcsNLWo1AyH5zGDk7bFvme3E&messageId=d-80E0087-B%2C7D%7CE9%2C0%7CE_%2C0 443 - SignalR.Client.NET45/ - 200 0 0 11360
2016-11-15 23:10:35 POST /signalr/poll clientProtocol=1.4&transport=longPolling&connectionData=[%7B%22Name%22:%22MyHub%22%7D]&connectionToken=hEJ1b0%2Bz2eeyC8IvYmOV3ffZ%2FAFQiQpEnJLUmCZTEVDLwcgOqhyQbQnu0R29sazp6BxcK4WsDhSbEdg2Sh4wMBSZjQtKMzASr2Fa2eY2HGgoVJcfDOMixQX2FCqfa%2BmP&messageId=d-80E0087-B%2C7D%7CFD%2C0%7CFE%2C0 443 - SignalR.Client.NET45/ - 200 0 0 15798
2016-11-15 23:10:35 POST /signalr/poll clientProtocol=1.4&transport=longPolling&connectionData=[%7B%22Name%22:%22MyHub%22%7D]&connectionToken=2UsU63IHgaNO%2BBYmoamsKxFq7Vv3uaGigvR1NrGnntVnAbTg2C0%2BVXZnA9aT8siqpkBv%2Fo8avvvNTSBfQD77IspaO6jOnSU8rXMXDU2Vr6ojkWr%2Fwt1LFsdNy3%2BHpDGC&messageId=d-80E0087-B%2C7D%7CEv%2C0%7CEw%2C0 443 - SignalR.Client.NET45/ - 200 0 0 11844
etc, etc
UPDATE - Explicitly stopping the hub connection seems to have dealt with the orphan clients (or superfluous clients for the same web job client). In particular, adding _hub.Stop(); after invoking the proxy.
async void
toasync Task
in the SendMessageToHub method signature ? – Thomas