I am using SignalR (with cross-domain request), version 2.3.0 for webchat integrated to ASP.NET site. Everything is working fine. But I found strange behaviour of SignalR connection. When I clicked to the reference from tab of the chat for file downloading SignalR connection was aborted and onDisconnected method was triggered in my Hub class. FireBug show me next POST-request:
http://*:81/signalr/abort?transport=longPolling&clientProtocol=1.4&token=eUpLNitKcmR1d2JhTTRvcHNVZmEwcG1EKzYvMElZbmg4aE5yam9xM3k0dz0_IjAsNGJmOWNhODUtNDU2NS00NWExLWFjMTgtNzgyN2FhZDA2Njg1LGxvY2FsaG9zdCI1&State=1&connectionToken=hDXe9xIZtmrapjl1LRwtK9B%2BfYMoeuHka8ctBLaPa0YnjiN9iiFa%2BvFMBHIGpGH0h8qPEDgGZSRGwjMw3Wm1DJi6cUPtZjLca6%2FR2576SGksLAj3lnPN1JWIlxMsn8%2Bf&connectionData=%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22c%22%7D%2C%7B%22name%22%3A%22voip%22%7D%5D, where * is my domain.
It is reproduced in Mozilla Firefox (version 30.0) for LongPolling or Websocket transports. How I can fix this problem? Or is it bug of SignalR or Firefox?
event that will call$.connection.start
again after a shortwindow.setTimeout
. – halter73