Important: This answer doesn't provide an 100% accurate answer, it is off by around 10-20 hours depending on the date.
There are no better solutions ( not in these answers anyway ). - naveen
I of course couldn't resist the urge to take up the challenge and make a faster and shorter birthday calculator than the current accepted solution.
The main point for my solution, is that math is fast, so instead of using branching, and the date model javascript provides to calculate a solution we use the wonderful math
The answer looks like this, and runs ~65% faster than naveen's plus it's much shorter:
function calcAge(dateString) {
var birthday = +new Date(dateString);
return ~~(( - birthday) / (31557600000));
The magic number: 31557600000 is 24 * 3600 * 365.25 * 1000
Which is the length of a year, the length of a year is 365 days and 6 hours which is 0.25 day. In the end i floor the result which gives us the final age.
Here is the benchmarks:
To support OP's data format you can replace +new Date(dateString);
with +new Date(d.substr(0, 4), d.substr(4, 2)-1, d.substr(6, 2));
If you can come up with a better solution please share! :-)
object would have to do if it encapsulated it. People could write books about the suckiness of JS'sDate
handling. ... If you can live with sometimes being off by a day, then the approximation:AgeInYears = Math.floor ( (now_Date - DOB_Date) / 31556952000 )
is about as simple as you can get. – Brock Adams