I have a kendo multiselect with serverFiltering set to true.
autoBind: false,
minLength: 3,
//placeholder: 'User Name',
dataTextField: 'Text',
dataValueField: 'ID',
filter: 'contains',
delay: 200,
dataSource: {
serverFiltering: true,
transport: {
read: {
url: _VirDir("GetUsernameMultiAutoComplete", "WidgetsLoad"),
dataType: 'json'
What I need
I have already saved some data selected in this in an object. I want to set this values in this multiselect, say on click of a button.
This is the format i saved the selected items.
searchItem.TeamMember = "[{"ID":572053,"Text":"Account, Test"},{"ID":830620,"Text":"07test, Test"}]"
What I tried so far? I try to set the value to the multiselect like this
But its not setting the value. Then I tried with setting the datasource like this.
This set the value in multiselect, but auto suggest is not working. when we type, there is no search happening in multi select.
Is there anything else I miss? Do i have to save it in any other format? What other methods to set value to a multiselect with server filtering?