
I've been using the new Kendo UI Multiselect widget with server-side filtering, but I'm having trouble getting it to only make the ajax call after a minimum number of characters have been entered. I've set the autoBind and minLength options to false and 3 respectively. However it sends an ajax request to get the select options as soon as I put my cursor into the text field. It does wait until 3 characters (or more) are entered before sending another ajax request and refreshing the options list. But how do I make it wait until 3 characters have been entered before the first ajax request is sent? Here is how I've configured the the multiSelect:

            autoBind: false,
            minLength: 3,
            placeholder: 'Select delegates...',
            dataTextField: 'name',
            dataValueField: 'personid',
            filter: 'contains',
            delay: 200,
            dataSource: {
                serverFiltering: true,
                transport: {
                    read: {
                        url: '/my/remote/url',
                        dataType: 'json'

I've looked at the overview and API docs for the MultiSelect widgets on the KendoUI site and it doesn't even appear that there's a way to do what I'm talking about (I initially thought the autoBind: false and minLength: 3 would be my answer, but turns out it's not). So I"m posting in the hopes that maybe I've missed something. Thanks in advance.

It doesn't prevent the inital bug, but can't you just ignore on your server-method if the posted value is an empty string, and return nothing?Shion
@Shion -- yep, I thought about that and it does make sense. It seems like a workaround, though, so I wanted to make sure there wasn't a built-in way to make it wait for the ajax call. If not I'll probably do exactly as you suggested.tonyg

2 Answers


I would go with the workaround.

If I inspect the KendoUI demos here: Server Filtering Demo with FireBug, an initial call is made as soon as the page has loaded. I think that is by design, and is as expected in the current version of the widget.

Since this is a new widget, try contacting the Kendo-Team. With a bit of luck, in the next release (or some beta in between) there will be an option for this.

                        placeholder: "Select products...",
                        dataTextField: "name",
                        dataValueField: "id",
                        autoBind: false,
                        dataSource: {
                                    contentType:'application/json; charset=utf-8',