I have a layout used for the home page for different sections on my Jekyll site. On each of these pages I would like to have links to each item in the section, the details of which are stored in a YAML file in the site _data
directory. My aim is to have the name of the site data variable in the section page front matter and pass this into the layout for rendering. For example:
Page Front Matter
sectionItems: site.data.sectionItems.awesomeSectionItems
...which is passed to the section home layout...
Section Home Layout
{% for item in page.sectionItems %}
// Work with section item...
{% endfor %}
Unfortunately, when I run the site nothing appears. How would I go about doing this? I have also tried an include but this also does not work. I would like to avoid adding the for loop to each page, plus I would like the links to appear beneath the main content section.