I'm trying to implement a service catalog in Jekyll, in which each of 20 or 30 pages will contain a 7x2 table. The left column will hold labels, e.g. Overview, Available To, etc, while the right column will hold between one line and several paragraphs of text. I was hoping to characterize the right column with Liquid variables, e.g. {overview}, {availableTo}
I've noticed that the YAML seems to be very picky about line breaks, and accordingly I've had to input these paragraphs and their markup on one line which can go on for several screen-widths. This is a problem because it's annoying, and also because I'd like these front-matters to be editable by technical but non-webdev users. Is there a way to have the front matter tolerate breaks?
Alternatively, is there a way that I could populate this table with the {content} section, without having to recode the table into it each time?