I have a reliable dictionary in service fabric stateful service. I have a simple linq expression.
I am using Ix-Async package for building an asyncenumerable.
using (ITransaction tx = this.StateManager.CreateTransaction())
var result = (await customers.CreateLinqAsyncEnumerable(tx))
.Where(x => x.Value.NameFirst != null && x.Value.NameFirst.EndsWith(n, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
.Select(y => y.Value);
return await result.ToList();
The data is organized into 2 partitions with around 75,000 records in each partition. I am using Int64 range as the partition key. In the above code, the "Result.ToList()" takes around 1 minute to execute for each partition. Another weired thing is, the actual result is empty!. The same sql run in sql server returns rows with customer first names ending with "c". But, this is besides the point. My biggest concern is performance of "ReliableDictionary" linq query.