There are some misconceptions here:
Instances are Different than processes, when you say that you can see the instances on Visual Studio, what you actually seeing are processes. There are cases where you can have multiple instances in a single process, and visual studio will show you only one, but there is actually 5(in your case). This is defined by the SF Hosting Model configuration, where you define how it should behave, I have answered related questions here #1 and here #2
The other is, Stateless services have Instances, Stateful services have Partitions & Replicas. Based on that, what you see are not instances, they are Primary replicas(And maybe secondary if you define the replication > 1). See more details in the docs here
Given the previous details, when you do a partitioning of a service, depending on which hosting model you use, it can create multiple Replicas on the same process or one per process.
There is only one catch on all this, the number of replicas from same partition is limited by 1 per node, to have more info about this, take a look at this issue on github
Regarding your questions:
No mater how many calls the clients make, there are only 5 instances
of this class to serve requests from. Are the following statements
If you are talking about request to an ASP.NET endpoint or remoting calls, this does not affect instance count, instances are defined by the SF configurations and client requests won't affect it, it will be split among the available instances depending how you balance these requests. The only way these requests will affect the instance count is when you define auto-scaling in the service.
When a new instance\replica of your Stateless\Stateful service is started (Within or Outside the same process), a new object is created. A call to these services might always go to the same object, but not will always be the case, because the SF might re-balance your service and kill these instances to create new ones somewhere else, or in case of failures.
There is also the case for stateful services, the calls only go to the primary replicas, unless you specify a read to a secondary one. In case a secondary is promoted to primary, new calls won't be redirected to the former primary replica. What is quite common to happen or cluster maintenance and application updates.
Any class level member variables in the stateful service are essentially static [since it resolves to a singleton instance on that
partition] and therefore require "lock" semantics when updating?
If you use shared hosting model, all static objects will be shared with any instance within the same process.
Since the client always resolves to a the "same" instance of the class
all the time for a given partition, the client can re-use the "proxy"
Based on previous answer, yes, any singleton class, will be shared.
How does this "singleton" model of stateful service creation affect
performance and scalability when lot of clients call the same service
instance hundreds of times a second. [under heavy load] I understand
that there is a setting when configuring the V2 remoting listener
where we can specify "MaxConcurrentCalls" via
I didn't understand properly the problem here, maybe the previous answers might clear it for your, if not, leave comments below and I will update it.