
I need to setup kerberos authentication in jmeter.

According to the procedure mentioned in the link - https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/windows-authentication-apache-jmeter, I have setup the jmeter config files - krb5.conf and jaas.conf and added http authorization manager config element in jmeter file. I am not sure about the need of putting username and password. Can someone put more insight into the setup procedure for Kerberos in jmeter?

I am attaching the details of the configuration files in jmeter.

jaas.conf file

krb5.conf file

Currently using Apache jmeter - 2.13 versionNikhil L

1 Answers


According to the above guide you need to provide not only username and password, but domain and realm as well.

Also make sure that KERBEROS mechanism is selected

JMeter Kerberos

Also I would recommend switching to JMeter 3.0 which was released 6 month ago already with lots of bug fixes, performance improvements and new features.