I need my node server to authenticate a client (username / password provided in HTTPS request) and provide the user's role for authorization. I'm trying to find out how to retrieve the Kerberos token in node (using node-krb5 or passport-kerberos modules) in case of successful authentication.
My setup is pretty basic:
- Client app provides username/password to node server app
- Node authenticates the user with the provided credentials against Kerberos
- Kerberos provides a Auth token that node app will send to client
- Client sends the token with each request to node to avoid state management in node.
- Node app needs to know the user's role that's inside the ticket.
For steps #3 & #5, I'm looking for help in retrieving the kerberos token and reading its contents to extract the role information.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I checked an earlier thread but that wasn't answered: Kerberos Authorization w/ Node.js