I feel like this is too simple to be stuck on, but I have a workbook with about 100 sheets, and I need to copy a range from one sheet (Sheet2 Range a1:H200) to Sheet5 AF1:AM200 and every sheet after (Sheet5 through Sheet100 or more). I have tried creating a loop and copying the original range and pasting to each sheet, but it hasn't worked. I feel like this is the closest I've gotten
Sub CopyPasteLoop()
Dim wsVar As Worksheet
For Each wsVar In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
With wsVar
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:H200").Value = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet5").Range("AF1").Value
End With
Next wsVar
End Sub
I feel like it should be simpler, but I can't make it work. Thanks!