I've an excel worksheet which comprises of many sheet in turn let say around 5...I want to write a macro which will identify the presence of color say red in excel sheets Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4 and Sheet5 if there is any red color in any of the cell, it will report the sheet name in Sheet 1 of the workbook that Sheet<> so and so contains the red color in its any one of the cell.
Till yet i was only in position to identify that whether there is red color present in the particular sheet...but don't know how to report the corresponding sheet name in the sheet 1.
Sub CheckColor()
Dim Row
For Row = 2 To tsheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For chkcol = 1 To Sheet1.UsedRange.Columns.Count
If tsheet.Cells(Row, chkcol).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then
'How to report the corresponding sheet name in sheet 1???
End If
Next Row
End Sub