I'm trying to integrate the sonarqube gradle plugin with the jacoco plugin:
classpath 'org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle:sonarqube-gradle-plugin:2.1'
apply plugin: 'org.sonarqube' apply plugin: 'jacoco'
My build/jacoco folder contains: integrationTest.exec test.exec
However, the sonarqube plugin only recognises the 'test.exec' file:
18:20:45.130 INFO - JaCoCoItSensor: JaCoCo IT report not found: C:\Users\abc3\Downloads\sme-letter\target\jacoco-it.exec : 18:05:55.609 INFO - Analysing C:\Users\abc3\Downloads\sme-letter\build\jacoco\test.exec
How do I get the sonarqube plugin to recognise 'integrationTest.exec'