Is there any way to compare such strings on bash, e.g.: 2.4.5
and 2.8
30 Answers
Here is a pure Bash version that doesn't require any external utilities:
vercomp () {
if [[ $1 == $2 ]]
return 0
local IFS=.
local i ver1=($1) ver2=($2)
# fill empty fields in ver1 with zeros
for ((i=${#ver1[@]}; i<${#ver2[@]}; i++))
for ((i=0; i<${#ver1[@]}; i++))
if [[ -z ${ver2[i]} ]]
# fill empty fields in ver2 with zeros
if ((10#${ver1[i]} > 10#${ver2[i]}))
return 1
if ((10#${ver1[i]} < 10#${ver2[i]}))
return 2
return 0
testvercomp () {
vercomp $1 $2
case $? in
0) op='=';;
1) op='>';;
2) op='<';;
if [[ $op != $3 ]]
echo "FAIL: Expected '$3', Actual '$op', Arg1 '$1', Arg2 '$2'"
echo "Pass: '$1 $op $2'"
# Run tests
# argument table format:
# testarg1 testarg2 expected_relationship
echo "The following tests should pass"
while read -r test
testvercomp $test
done << EOF
1 1 =
2.1 2.2 < >
4.08 4.08.01 < 3.2 >
3.2 <
1.2 2.1 <
2.1 1.2 >
5.6.7 5.6.7 =
1.01.1 1.1.1 =
1.1.1 1.01.1 =
1 1.0 =
1.0 1 = 1.0.2 =
1..0 1.0 =
1.0 1..0 =
echo "The following test should fail (test the tester)"
testvercomp 1 1 '>'
Run the tests:
$ . ./vercomp
The following tests should pass
Pass: '1 = 1'
Pass: '2.1 < 2.2'
Pass: ' >'
Pass: '4.08 < 4.08.01'
Pass: ' > 3.2'
Pass: '3.2 <'
Pass: '1.2 < 2.1'
Pass: '2.1 > 1.2'
Pass: '5.6.7 = 5.6.7'
Pass: '1.01.1 = 1.1.1'
Pass: '1.1.1 = 1.01.1'
Pass: '1 = 1.0'
Pass: '1.0 = 1'
Pass: ' = 1.0.2'
Pass: '1..0 = 1.0'
Pass: '1.0 = 1..0'
The following test should fail (test the tester)
FAIL: Expected '>', Actual '=', Arg1 '1', Arg2 '1'
If you have coreutils-7 (in Ubuntu Karmic but not Jaunty) then your sort
command should have a -V
option (version sort) which you could use to do the comparison:
verlte() {
[ "$1" = "`echo -e "$1\n$2" | sort -V | head -n1`" ]
verlt() {
[ "$1" = "$2" ] && return 1 || verlte $1 $2
verlte 2.5.7 2.5.6 && echo "yes" || echo "no" # no
verlt 2.4.10 2.4.9 && echo "yes" || echo "no" # no
verlt 2.4.8 2.4.10 && echo "yes" || echo "no" # yes
verlte 2.5.6 2.5.6 && echo "yes" || echo "no" # yes
verlt 2.5.6 2.5.6 && echo "yes" || echo "no" # no
You can recursively split on .
and compare as shown in the following algorithm, taken from here. It returns 10 if the versions are the same, 11 if version 1 is greater than version 2 and 9 otherwise.
do_version_check() {
[ "$1" == "$2" ] && return 10
ver1front=`echo $1 | cut -d "." -f -1`
ver1back=`echo $1 | cut -d "." -f 2-`
ver2front=`echo $2 | cut -d "." -f -1`
ver2back=`echo $2 | cut -d "." -f 2-`
if [ "$ver1front" != "$1" ] || [ "$ver2front" != "$2" ]; then
[ "$ver1front" -gt "$ver2front" ] && return 11
[ "$ver1front" -lt "$ver2front" ] && return 9
[ "$ver1front" == "$1" ] || [ -z "$ver1back" ] && ver1back=0
[ "$ver2front" == "$2" ] || [ -z "$ver2back" ] && ver2back=0
do_version_check "$ver1back" "$ver2back"
return $?
[ "$1" -gt "$2" ] && return 11 || return 9
do_version_check "$1" "$2"
- Function
- pure bash solution, no external utilities required. - Supports
(lexicographic). - Optional tail letter comparison:
1.5a < 1.5b
- Unequal length comparison:
1.6 > 1.5b
- Reads left-to-right:
if V 1.5 '<' 1.6; then ...
# Sample output
# Note: ++ (true) and __ (false) mean that V works correctly.
++ 3.6 '>' 3.5b
__ 2.5.7 '<=' 2.5.6
++ 2.4.10 '<' 2.5.9
__ 3.0002 '>' 3.0003.3
++ 4.0-RC2 '>' 4.0-RC1
function V() # $1-a $2-op $3-$b
# Compare a and b as version strings. Rules:
# R1: a and b : dot-separated sequence of items. Items are numeric. The last item can optionally end with letters, i.e., 2.5 or 2.5a.
# R2: Zeros are automatically inserted to compare the same number of items, i.e., 1.0 < 1.0.1 means 1.0.0 < 1.0.1 => yes.
# R3: op can be '=' '==' '!=' '<' '<=' '>' '>=' (lexicographic).
# R4: Unrestricted number of digits of any item, i.e., 3.0003 > 3.0000004.
# R5: Unrestricted number of items.
local a=$1 op=$2 b=$3 al=${1##*.} bl=${3##*.}
while [[ $al =~ ^[[:digit:]] ]]; do al=${al:1}; done
while [[ $bl =~ ^[[:digit:]] ]]; do bl=${bl:1}; done
local ai=${a%$al} bi=${b%$bl}
local ap=${ai//[[:digit:]]} bp=${bi//[[:digit:]]}
ap=${ap//./.0} bp=${bp//./.0}
local w=1 fmt=$a.$b x IFS=.
for x in $fmt; do [ ${#x} -gt $w ] && w=${#x}; done
fmt=${*//[^.]}; fmt=${fmt//./%${w}s}
printf -v a $fmt $ai$bp; printf -v a "%s-%${w}s" $a $al
printf -v b $fmt $bi$ap; printf -v b "%s-%${w}s" $b $bl
case $op in
'<='|'>=' ) [ "$a" ${op:0:1} "$b" ] || [ "$a" = "$b" ] ;;
* ) [ "$a" $op "$b" ] ;;
Code Explained
Line 1: Define local variables:
- comparison operands and operator, i.e., "3.6" > "3.5a".al
- letter tails ofa
, initialized to the tail item, i.e., "6" and "5a".
Lines 2, 3: Left-trim digits from the tail items so only letters are left, if any, i.e., "" and "a".
Line 4: Right trim letters from a
and b
to leave just the sequence of numeric items as local variables ai
and bi
, i.e., "3.6" and "3.5".
Notable example: "4.01-RC2" > "4.01-RC1" yields ai="4.01" al="-RC2" and bi="4.01" bl="-RC1".
Line 6: Define local variables:
- zero right-paddings forai
. Start by keeping the inter-item dots only, of which number equals the number of elements ofa
Line 7: Then append "0" after each dot to make padding masks.
Line 9: Local variables:
- item widthfmt
- printf format string, to be calculatedx
- temporary- With
bash splits variable values at '.'.
Line 10: Calculate w
, the maximum item width, which will be used to align items for lexicographic comparison. In our example w=2.
Line 11: Create the printf alignment format by replacing each character of $a.$b
with %${w}s
, i.e., "3.6" > "3.5a" yields "%2s%2s%2s%2s".
Line 12: "printf -v a" sets the value of variable a
. This is equivalent to a=sprintf(...)
in many programming languages. Note that here, by effect of IFS=. the arguments to printf
split into individual items.
With the first printf
items of a
are left-padded with spaces while enough "0" items are appended from bp
to ensure that the resulting string a
can be meaningfully compared to a similarly formatted b
Note that we append bp
- not ap
to ai
because ap
and bp
may have different lenghts, so this results in a
and b
having equal lengths.
With the second printf
we append the letter part al
to a
with enough padding to enable meaningful comparison. Now a
is ready for comparison with b
Line 13: Same as line 12 but for b
Line 15: Split comparison cases between non-built-in (<=
and >=
) and built-in operators.
Line 16: If the comparison operator is <=
then test for a<b or a=b
- respectively >=
a<b or a=b
Line 17: Test for built-in comparison operators.
# All tests
function P { printf "$@"; }
function EXPECT { printf "$@"; }
function CODE { awk $BASH_LINENO'==NR{print " "$2,$3,$4}' "$0"; }
P 'Note: ++ (true) and __ (false) mean that V works correctly.\n'
V 2.5 '!=' 2.5 && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 2.5 '=' 2.5 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 2.5 '==' 2.5 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 2.5a '==' 2.5b && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 2.5a '<' 2.5b && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 2.5a '>' 2.5b && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 2.5b '>' 2.5a && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 2.5b '<' 2.5a && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 3.5 '<' 3.5b && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 3.5 '>' 3.5b && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 3.5b '>' 3.5 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 3.5b '<' 3.5 && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 3.6 '<' 3.5b && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 3.6 '>' 3.5b && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 3.5b '<' 3.6 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 3.5b '>' 3.6 && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 2.5.7 '<=' 2.5.6 && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 2.4.10 '<' 2.4.9 && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 2.4.10 '<' 2.5.9 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 3.4.10 '<' 2.5.9 && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 2.4.8 '>' 2.4.10 && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 2.5.6 '<=' 2.5.6 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 2.5.6 '>=' 2.5.6 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 3.0 '<' 3.0.3 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 3.0002 '<' 3.0003.3 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 3.0002 '>' 3.0003.3 && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 3.0003.3 '<' 3.0002 && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
V 3.0003.3 '>' 3.0002 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 4.0-RC2 '>' 4.0-RC1 && P + || P _; EXPECT +; CODE
V 4.0-RC2 '<' 4.0-RC1 && P + || P _; EXPECT _; CODE
I implemented a function that returns the same results as Dennis Williamson's but uses fewer lines. It does perform a sanity check initially which causes 1..0
to fail from his tests (which I would argue should be the case) but all of his other tests pass with this code:
version_compare() {
if [[ $1 =~ ^([0-9]+\.?)+$ && $2 =~ ^([0-9]+\.?)+$ ]]; then
local l=(${1//./ }) r=(${2//./ }) s=${#l[@]}; [[ ${#r[@]} -gt ${#l[@]} ]] && s=${#r[@]}
for i in $(seq 0 $((s - 1))); do
[[ ${l[$i]} -gt ${r[$i]} ]] && return 1
[[ ${l[$i]} -lt ${r[$i]} ]] && return 2
return 0
echo "Invalid version number given"
exit 1
Here is a simple Bash function that uses no external commands. It works for version strings that have up to three numeric parts in them - less than 3 is fine as well. It can easily be extended for more. It implements =
, <
, <=
, >
, >=
, and !=
vercmp() {
version1=$1 version2=$2 condition=$3
IFS=. v1_array=($version1) v2_array=($version2)
v1=$((v1_array[0] * 100 + v1_array[1] * 10 + v1_array[2]))
v2=$((v2_array[0] * 100 + v2_array[1] * 10 + v2_array[2]))
diff=$((v2 - v1))
[[ $condition = '=' ]] && ((diff == 0)) && return 0
[[ $condition = '!=' ]] && ((diff != 0)) && return 0
[[ $condition = '<' ]] && ((diff > 0)) && return 0
[[ $condition = '<=' ]] && ((diff >= 0)) && return 0
[[ $condition = '>' ]] && ((diff < 0)) && return 0
[[ $condition = '>=' ]] && ((diff <= 0)) && return 0
return 1
Here is the test:
for tv1 in '*' 1.1.1 2.5.3 7.3.0 0.5.7 10.3.9 8.55.32 0.0.1; do
for tv2 in 3.1.1 1.5.3 4.3.0 0.0.7 0.3.9 11.55.32 10.0.0 '*'; do
for c in '=' '>' '<' '>=' '<=' '!='; do
vercmp "$tv1" "$tv2" "$c" && printf '%s\n' "$tv1 $c $tv2 is true" || printf '%s\n' "$tv1 $c $tv2 is false"
A subset of the test output:
* >= * is true
* <= * is true
* != * is true
1.1.1 = 3.1.1 is false
1.1.1 > 3.1.1 is false
1.1.1 < 3.1.1 is true
1.1.1 >= 3.1.1 is false
1.1.1 <= 3.1.1 is true
1.1.1 != 3.1.1 is true
1.1.1 = 1.5.3 is false
1.1.1 > 1.5.3 is false
1.1.1 < 1.5.3 is true
1.1.1 >= 1.5.3 is false
1.1.1 <= 1.5.3 is true
1.1.1 != 1.5.3 is true
1.1.1 = 4.3.0 is false
1.1.1 > 4.3.0 is false
I'm using embedded Linux (Yocto) with BusyBox. BusyBox sort
doesn't have a -V
option (but BusyBox expr match
can do regular expressions). So I needed a Bash version compare which worked with that constraint.
I've made the following (similar to Dennis Williamson's answer) to compare using a "natural sort" type of algorithm. It splits the string into numeric parts and non-numeric parts; it compares the numeric parts numerically (so 10
is greater than 9
), and compares the non-numeric parts as a plain ASCII comparison.
ascii_frag() {
expr match "$1" "\([^[:digit:]]*\)"
ascii_remainder() {
expr match "$1" "[^[:digit:]]*\(.*\)"
numeric_frag() {
expr match "$1" "\([[:digit:]]*\)"
numeric_remainder() {
expr match "$1" "[[:digit:]]*\(.*\)"
vercomp_debug() {
#echo "${OUT}"
# return 1 for $1 > $2
# return 2 for $1 < $2
# return 0 for equal
vercomp() {
local WORK1="$1"
local WORK2="$2"
local NUM1="", NUM2="", ASCII1="", ASCII2=""
while true; do
vercomp_debug "ASCII compare"
ASCII1=`ascii_frag "${WORK1}"`
ASCII2=`ascii_frag "${WORK2}"`
WORK1=`ascii_remainder "${WORK1}"`
WORK2=`ascii_remainder "${WORK2}"`
vercomp_debug "\"${ASCII1}\" remainder \"${WORK1}\""
vercomp_debug "\"${ASCII2}\" remainder \"${WORK2}\""
if [ "${ASCII1}" \> "${ASCII2}" ]; then
vercomp_debug "ascii ${ASCII1} > ${ASCII2}"
return 1
elif [ "${ASCII1}" \< "${ASCII2}" ]; then
vercomp_debug "ascii ${ASCII1} < ${ASCII2}"
return 2
vercomp_debug "--------"
vercomp_debug "Numeric compare"
NUM1=`numeric_frag "${WORK1}"`
NUM2=`numeric_frag "${WORK2}"`
WORK1=`numeric_remainder "${WORK1}"`
WORK2=`numeric_remainder "${WORK2}"`
vercomp_debug "\"${NUM1}\" remainder \"${WORK1}\""
vercomp_debug "\"${NUM2}\" remainder \"${WORK2}\""
if [ -z "${NUM1}" -a -z "${NUM2}" ]; then
vercomp_debug "blank 1 and blank 2 equal"
return 0
elif [ -z "${NUM1}" -a -n "${NUM2}" ]; then
vercomp_debug "blank 1 less than non-blank 2"
return 2
elif [ -n "${NUM1}" -a -z "${NUM2}" ]; then
vercomp_debug "non-blank 1 greater than blank 2"
return 1
if [ "${NUM1}" -gt "${NUM2}" ]; then
vercomp_debug "num ${NUM1} > ${NUM2}"
return 1
elif [ "${NUM1}" -lt "${NUM2}" ]; then
vercomp_debug "num ${NUM1} < ${NUM2}"
return 2
vercomp_debug "--------"
It can compare more complicated version numbers such as
Note that it doesn't return the same result for some of the corner-cases in Dennis Williamson's answer. In particular:
1 1.0 <
1.0 1 > 1.0.2 >
1..0 1.0 >
1.0 1..0 <
But those are corner cases, and I think the results are still reasonable.
$ for OVFTOOL_VERSION in "4.2.0" "4.2.1" "5.2.0" "3.2.0" "4.1.9" "4.0.1" "4.3.0" "4.5.0" "4.2.1" "30.1.0" "4" "5" "4.1" "4.3"
> do
> if [ $(echo "$OVFTOOL_VERSION 4.2.0" | tr " " "\n" | sort --version-sort | head -n 1) = 4.2.0 ]; then
> echo "$OVFTOOL_VERSION is >= 4.2.0";
> else
> echo "$OVFTOOL_VERSION is < 4.2.0";
> fi
> done
4.2.0 is >= 4.2.0
4.2.1 is >= 4.2.0
5.2.0 is >= 4.2.0
3.2.0 is < 4.2.0
4.1.9 is < 4.2.0
4.0.1 is < 4.2.0
4.3.0 is >= 4.2.0
4.5.0 is >= 4.2.0
4.2.1 is >= 4.2.0
30.1.0 is >= 4.2.0
4 is < 4.2.0
5 is >= 4.2.0
4.1 is < 4.2.0
4.3 is >= 4.2.0
Here's a refinement of the top answer (Dennis's) that is more concise and uses a different return value scheme to make it easy to implement <= and >= with a single comparison. It also compares everything after the first character not in [0-9.] lexicographically, so 1.0rc1 < 1.0rc2.
# Compares two tuple-based, dot-delimited version numbers a and b (possibly
# with arbitrary string suffixes). Returns:
# 1 if a<b
# 2 if equal
# 3 if a>b
# Everything after the first character not in [0-9.] is compared
# lexicographically using ASCII ordering if the tuple-based versions are equal.
compare-versions() {
if [[ $1 == $2 ]]; then
return 2
local IFS=.
local i a=(${1%%[^0-9.]*}) b=(${2%%[^0-9.]*})
local arem=${1#${1%%[^0-9.]*}} brem=${2#${2%%[^0-9.]*}}
for ((i=0; i<${#a[@]} || i<${#b[@]}; i++)); do
if ((10#${a[i]:-0} < 10#${b[i]:-0})); then
return 1
elif ((10#${a[i]:-0} > 10#${b[i]:-0})); then
return 3
if [ "$arem" '<' "$brem" ]; then
return 1
elif [ "$arem" '>' "$brem" ]; then
return 3
return 2
How about this? Seems to work?
checkVersion() {
[ "$subVer1" == "$subVer2" ] && echo "Version is same"
echo "Version 1 is $subVer1"
echo "Test version 1 is $testVer1"
while [[ $testVer1 != "" ]]
testVer1=`echo $subVer1|cut -d "." -f $x`
echo "testVer1 now is $testVer1"
testVer2=`echo $subVer2|cut -d "." -f $x`
echo "testVer2 now is $testVer2"
if [[ $testVer1 -gt $testVer2 ]]
echo "$ver1 is greater than $ver2"
elif [[ "$testVer2" -gt "$testVer1" ]]
echo "$ver2 is greater than $ver1"
echo "This is the sub verion for first value $testVer1"
echo "This is the sub verion for second value $testVer2"
checkVersion "$ver1" "$ver2"
Here is another pure bash solution without any external calls:
function version_compare {
IFS='.' read -ra ver1 <<< "$1"
IFS='.' read -ra ver2 <<< "$2"
[[ ${#ver1[@]} -gt ${#ver2[@]} ]] && till=${#ver1[@]} || till=${#ver2[@]}
for ((i=0; i<${till}; i++)); do
local num1; local num2;
[[ -z ${ver1[i]} ]] && num1=0 || num1=${ver1[i]}
[[ -z ${ver2[i]} ]] && num2=0 || num2=${ver2[i]}
if [[ $num1 -gt $num2 ]]; then
echo ">"; return 0
[[ $num1 -lt $num2 ]]; then
echo "<"; return 0
echo "="; return 0
echo "${1} $(version_compare "${1}" "${2}") ${2}"
And there is even more simple solution, if you are sure that the versions in question do not contain leading zeros after the first dot:
function version_compare {
local ver1=${1//.}
local ver2=${2//.}
if [[ $ver1 -gt $ver2 ]]; then
echo ">"; return 0
[[ $ver1 -lt $ver2 ]]; then
echo "<"; return 0
echo "="; return 0
echo "${1} $(version_compare "${1}" "${2}") ${2}"
This will work for something like 1.2.3 vs 1.3.1 vs 0.9.7, but won't work with 1.2.3 vs or 1.01.1 vs 1.1.1
I implemented yet another comparator function. This one had two specific requirements: (i) I didn't want the function to fail by using return 1
but echo
instead; (ii) as we're retrieving versions from a git repository version "1.0" should be bigger than "1.0.2", meaning that "1.0" comes from trunk.
function version_compare {
IFS="." read -a v_a <<< "$1"
IFS="." read -a v_b <<< "$2"
while [[ -n "$v_a" || -n "$v_b" ]]; do
[[ -z "$v_a" || "$v_a" -gt "$v_b" ]] && echo 1 && return
[[ -z "$v_b" || "$v_b" -gt "$v_a" ]] && echo -1 && return
echo 0
Feel free to comment and suggest improvements.
You can use version CLI to check version's constraints
$ version ">=1.0, <2.0" "1.7"
$ go version | version ">=1.9"
Bash script example:
if `version -b ">=9.0.0" "$(gcc --version)"`; then
echo "gcc version satisfies constraints >=9.0.0"
echo "gcc version doesn't satisfies constraints >=9.0.0"
Here's a pure Bash solution that supports revisions (e.g. '1.0-r1'), based on the answer posted by Dennis Williamson. It can easily be modified to support stuff like '-RC1' or extract the version from a more complex string by changing the regular expression.
For details regarding the implementation, please refer to in-code comments and/or enable the included debug code:
# Compare two version strings [$1: version string 1 (v1), $2: version string 2 (v2)]
# Return values:
# 0: v1 == v2
# 1: v1 > v2
# 2: v1 < v2
# Based on: by Dennis Williamson
function compare_versions() {
# Trivial v1 == v2 test based on string comparison
[[ "$1" == "$2" ]] && return 0
# Local variables
local regex="^(.*)-r([0-9]*)$" va1=() vr1=0 va2=() vr2=0 len i IFS="."
# Split version strings into arrays, extract trailing revisions
if [[ "$1" =~ ${regex} ]]; then
[[ -n "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" ]] && vr1=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
if [[ "$2" =~ ${regex} ]]; then
[[ -n "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" ]] && vr2=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
# Bring va1 and va2 to same length by filling empty fields with zeros
(( ${#va1[@]} > ${#va2[@]} )) && len=${#va1[@]} || len=${#va2[@]}
for ((i=0; i < len; ++i)); do
[[ -z "${va1[i]}" ]] && va1[i]="0"
[[ -z "${va2[i]}" ]] && va2[i]="0"
# Append revisions, increment length
# *** DEBUG ***
#echo "TEST: '${va1[@]} (?) ${va2[@]}'"
# Compare version elements, check if v1 > v2 or v1 < v2
for ((i=0; i < len; ++i)); do
if (( 10#${va1[i]} > 10#${va2[i]} )); then
return 1
elif (( 10#${va1[i]} < 10#${va2[i]} )); then
return 2
# All elements are equal, thus v1 == v2
return 0
# Test compare_versions [$1: version string 1, $2: version string 2, $3: expected result]
function test_compare_versions() {
local op
compare_versions "$1" "$2"
case $? in
0) op="==" ;;
1) op=">" ;;
2) op="<" ;;
if [[ "$op" == "$3" ]]; then
echo -e "\e[1;32mPASS: '$1 $op $2'\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1;31mFAIL: '$1 $3 $2' (result: '$1 $op $2')\e[0m"
echo -e "\nThe following tests should pass:"
while read -r test; do
test_compare_versions $test
done << EOF
1 1 ==
2.1 2.2 < >
4.08 4.08.01 < 3.2 >
3.2 <
1.2 2.1 <
2.1 1.2 >
5.6.7 5.6.7 ==
1.01.1 1.1.1 ==
1.1.1 1.01.1 ==
1 1.0 ==
1.0 1 == 1.0.2 ==
1..0 1.0 ==
1.0 1..0 ==
1.0-r1 1.0-r3 <
1.0-r9 2.0 <
3.0-r15 3.0-r9 >
...-r1 ...-r2 <
2.0-r1 >
1.0 <
-r -r3 <
-r3 -r >
-r3 -r3 ==
-r -r ==
0.0-r2 == 1.0-r2 == -r9 >
0.0-r0 0 ==
1.002.0-r6 1.2.0-r7 <
001.001-r2 1.1-r2 ==
5.6.1-r0 5.6.1 ==
echo -e "\nThe following tests should fail:"
while read -r test; do
test_compare_versions $test
done << EOF
1 1 >
3.0.5-r5 3..5-r5 >
4.9.21-r3 4.8.22-r9 <
1.0-r 1.0-r1 ==
-r 1.0-r >
-r1 0.0-r1 <
-r2 0-r2 <
echo -e "\nThe following line should be empty (local variables test):"
echo "$op $regex $va1 $vr1 $va2 $vr2 $len $i $IFS"
I came across and solved this problem, to add an additional (and shorter and simpler) answer...
First note, extended shell comparison failed as you may already know...
if [[ 1.2.0 < 1.12.12 ]]; then echo true; else echo false; fi
Using the sort -t'.'-g (or sort -V as mentioned by kanaka) to order versions and simple bash string comparison I found a solution. The input file contains versions in columns 3 and 4 which I want to compare. This iterates through the list identifying a match or if one is greater than the other. Hope this may still help anyone looking to do this using bash as simple as possible.
while read l
#Field 3 contains version on left to compare (change -f3 to required column).
kf=$(echo $l | cut -d ' ' -f3)
#Field 4 contains version on right to compare (change -f4 to required column).
mp=$(echo $l | cut -d ' ' -f4)
echo 'kf = '$kf
echo 'mp = '$mp
#To compare versions m.m.m the two can be listed and sorted with a . separator and the greater version found.
gv=$(echo -e $kf'\n'$mp | sort -t'.' -g | tail -n 1)
if [ $kf = $mp ]; then
echo 'Match Found: '$l
elif [ $kf = $gv ]; then
echo 'Karaf feature file version is greater '$l
elif [ $mp = $gv ]; then
echo 'Maven pom file version is greater '$l
echo 'Comparison error '$l
done < features_and_pom_versions.tmp.txt
Thanks to Barry's blog for the sort idea... ref:
### the answer is does we second argument is higher
function _ver_higher {
ver=`echo -ne "$1\n$2" |sort -Vr |head -n1`
if [ "$2" == "$1" ]; then
return 1
elif [ "$2" == "$ver" ]; then
return 0
return 1
if _ver_higher $1 $2; then
echo higher
echo same or less
It's pretty simple and small.
Thanks to Dennis's solution, we can extend it to allow comparison operators '>', '<', '=', '==', '<=', and '>='.
# compver ver1 '=|==|>|<|>=|<=' ver2
compver() {
local op
vercomp $1 $3
case $? in
0) op='=';;
1) op='>';;
2) op='<';;
[[ $2 == *$op* ]] && return 0 || return 1
We can then use comparison operators in the expressions like:
compver 1.7 '<=' 1.8
compver 1.7 '==' 1.7
compver 1.7 '=' 1.7
and test only the true/false of the result, like:
if compver $ver1 '>' $ver2; then
echo "Newer"
Here's another pure bash version, rather smaller than the accepted answer. It only checks whether a version is less than or equal to a "minimum version", and it will check alphanumeric sequences lexicographically, which often gives the wrong result ("snapshot" is not later than "release", to give a common example). It will work fine for major/minor.
is_number() {
case "$BASH_VERSION" in
[[ "$1" =~ $PATTERN ]]
min_version() {
if [[ $# != 2 ]]
echo "Usage: min_version current minimum"
if [[ "$A" != "$1" && "$B" != "$2" && "$A" == "$B" ]]
min_version "${1#*.}" "${2#*.}"
if is_number "$A" && is_number "$B"
[[ "$A" -ge "$B" ]]
[[ ! "$A" < "$B" ]]
Another approach(modified version of @joynes) that compares dotted versions as asked in the question
(i.e "1.2", "2.3.4", "1.0", "1.10.1", etc.).
The maximum number of positions has to be known in advance. The approach expects max 3 version positions.
expr $(printf "$1\n$2" | sort -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -g | sed -n 2p) != $2
example usage:
expr $(printf "1.10.1\n1.7" | sort -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -g | sed -n 2p) != "1.7"
returns: 1 since 1.10.1 is bigger than 1.7
expr $(printf "1.10.1\n1.11" | sort -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -g | sed -n 2p) != "1.11"
returns: 0 since 1.10.1 is lower than 1.11
Wow... this is way down the list of an old question, but I think this is a pretty elegant answer. First convert each dot-separated version into its own array, using shell parameter expansion (See Shell Parameter Expansion).
v1="05.2.3" # some evil examples that work here
declare -a v1_array=(${v1//./ })
declare -a v2_array=(${v2//./ })
Now the two arrays have the version number as a numerical string in priority order. Lots of the above solutions take you from there, but it all derives from the observation that version string is just an integer with an arbitrary base. We can test finding the first unequal digit (like strcmp does for characters in a string).
compare_version() {
declare -a v1_array=(${1//./ })
declare -a v2_array=(${2//./ })
while [[ -nz $v1_array ]] || [[ -nz $v2_array ]]; do
let v1_val=${v1_array:-0} # this will remove any leading zeros
let v2_val=${v2_array:-0}
let result=$((v1_val-v2_val))
if (( result != 0 )); then
echo $result
v1_array=("${v1_array[@]:1}") # trim off the first "digit". it doesn't help
# if we get here, both the arrays are empty and neither has been numerically
# different, which is equivalent to the two versions being equal
echo 0
This echoes a negative number if the first version is less than the second, a zero if they're equal and a positive number if the first version is greater. Some output:
$ compare_version 1 1.2
$ compare_version "05.1.3" ""
$ compare_version "05.1.3" ""
$ compare_version "05.1.3" ""
$ compare_version "05.1.3" ""
$ compare_version "05.2.3" ""
$ compare_version "05.1.3" ""
$ compare_version "" "05.1.3"
Degenerate cases like, ".2" or "3.0." don't work (undefined results), and if non-numeric characters are present beside the '.' it might fail (haven't tested) but will certainly be undefined. So this should be paired with a sanitizing function or appropriate check for valid formatting. Also, I'm sure with some tweaking, this could be made more robust without too much extra baggage.
function version_compare () {
function sub_ver () {
local len=${#1}
temp=${1%%"."*} && indexOf=`echo ${1%%"."*} | echo ${#temp}`
echo -e "${1:0:indexOf}"
function cut_dot () {
local offset=${#1}
local length=${#2}
echo -e "${2:((++offset)):length}"
if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo "=" && exit 0
local v1=`echo -e "${1}" | tr -d '[[:space:]]'`
local v2=`echo -e "${2}" | tr -d '[[:space:]]'`
local v1_sub=`sub_ver $v1`
local v2_sub=`sub_ver $v2`
if (( v1_sub > v2_sub )); then
echo ">"
elif (( v1_sub < v2_sub )); then
echo "<"
version_compare `cut_dot $v1_sub $v1` `cut_dot $v2_sub $v2`
### Usage:
version_compare "1.2.3" "1.2.4"
# Output: <
Credit goes to @Shellman