I have been having problems rendering a template function call from a meteor/angular template. I am trying to use the Moment.js package to format my time stamp. I have seen examples of this done with Blaze however, I can't replicate it in Meteor with Angular. My issue is with the formatTimestamp() function call. It isn't rendering anything and there are no errors in my console. Where am I going wrong?
My template
<li ng-repeat="task in $ctrl.tasks" ng-class="{'private' : task.private}">
<ul class="bxslider">
<td>created at: </td><td>{{formatTimestamp(task.administration.createdAt)}}</td>
My controller
class TodosListCtrl {
constructor($scope) {
tasks() {
const selector = {};
return Artefacts.find(selector, {
sort: {
createdAt: -1
currentUser() {
return Meteor.user();
formatTimestamp: function (timestamp) {
return moment(timestamp).calendar();
Insert Mongo function
administration: {
inventoryNumber: invNum,
boxNumber: boxNum,
createdAt: new Date(),