I am trying to decrypt a string using ColdFusion's Decrypt()
function, but am getting an "encodings are not the same..." error.
These are the steps I was instructed to take from the string's source:
- Create an MD5 hash of the shared key
- Using TripeDES with the cipher of ECB, decrypt the encrypted string with the MD5 hash of the shared key
<cfset qKey = hash('shared_key','MD5') />
<cfset dc = Decrypt('string_to_decrypt', qkey, 'DESEDE/ECB/PKCS5Padding', 'Base64') />
<cfdump var="#dc#">
An error occurred while trying to encrypt or decrypt your input string: The input and output encodings are not same.
Also tried the following, but it throws the same error:
<cfset finalText = "WVJrOdkntkQ%3d">
<cfset theKey = "S3C016" />
<cfset theKeyInBase64 = toBase64(theKey)>
<cfset hashedKey = hash( theKeyInBase64, "md5" ) />
<cfset padBytes = left( hashedKey, 16 ) />
<cfset keyBytes = binaryDecode( hashedKey & padBytes , "hex" ) />
<cfset finalKey = binaryEncode( keyBytes, "base64" ) />
<cfset decrypted = decrypt( finalText, finalKey, "DESede/ECB/PKCS5Padding", "base64" ) />
Decrypted String: <cfdump var="#decrypted#">