
I need to decrypt a base64 encoded binary in string format [0-9a-zA-Z+/]. Part of this string consists of the ivSalt, which is the first 16 Bytes, or 128bits. The rest is data; everything was encrypted using AES with 128 key and in 128 CBC blocks and PKCS7Padding.

First the string needs to converted to binary:

<cfset b64 = ToBinary(enc)/>

Then we create a java byte buffer:

<cfset objByteBuffer = CreateObject(
  "java.nio.ByteBuffer") />

Then we initialize a buffer for the salt and a buffer for the data that needs to be decrypted.

<cfset objBufferA = objByteBuffer.Allocate(
  JavaCast( "int", 16 )) />

<cfset objBufferB = objByteBuffer.Allocate(  
  JavaCast( "int", (Len(b64)-16) )) />

Then we fill the buffers with our bytes.

<cfset objBufferA.Put(
  JavaCast( "int", 0 ),
  JavaCast( "int", 16 )) />

<cfset objBufferB.Put(
  JavaCast( "int", 16 ),
  JavaCast( "int", (Len(b64)-16) )) />

<cfset ivStringBin = objBufferA.Array()/>
<cfset dataStringBin = objBufferB.Array()/>

Because the decrypt function takes a hexadecimal string we need to encode it to hex.

<!--- create byteArray output stream --->
<cfset baos = createObject("java", "java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream")>
<!--- write the byteArray stored in the DB to the output stream --->
<cfset baos.write(ivStringBin)>
<!--- convert binary content to text string --->
<cfset ivString=BinaryEncode(baos.toByteArray(),"hex")/>

<!--- create byteArray output stream --->
<cfset baos2 = createObject("java", "java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream")>
<!--- write the byteArray stored in the DB to the output stream --->
<cfset baos2.write(dataStringBin)>
<!--- convert binary content to text string --->  

<cfset dataString=BinaryEncode(baos2.toByteArray(),"hex")/>

Should be:

<cfset dataString=BinaryEncode(baos2.toByteArray(),"base64")/>

Now I'm not sure what to do with the key, but it appears to be required to be in a hexadecimal string format.

<cfset key = BinaryEncode(ToBinary("{16 chars, [0-9a-zA-Z+/]}")/>

Should be:

<cfset key = "{32 chars, [0-9A-Z]}"/>

ColdFusion doesn't itself support PKCS7Padding with CBC, I get an unsupported provider error. So I go and install BouncyCastle and I found a wonderful ColdFusion example of how to decrypt with PKCS5Padding Un-encrypting / re-encrypting a ColdFusion encrypted string in PHP">here. I added it to my code but I need PKCS7Padding so I changed

var zbPadding = CreateObject('java', 'org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings.ZeroBytePadding').init();


var zbPadding = CreateObject('java', 'org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings.PKCS7Padding').init();

according to the Bouncy Castle docs .

With all this I get the error:

"Key length not 128/160/192/224/256 bits."

I will be trying off and on but I am completely stuck, I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

Edit 1:

I got it working!

  • The dataString needed to be in base64 instead of hex.
  • The key, when converted to hex using coldFusion is 24 [0-9A-F] chars representing 24x4=96 bits which is 12 Bytes. It needs to be 16 Bytes, so somehow the BinaryEncode(ToBinary()) function doesn't do its job. So I used a string to hex tool to convert it and then subsequently got 32 chars.

Edit 2: Also, to install Bouncy Castle I followed the bouncy castle installe instructions and downloaded jce from the bottom of the java downloads page.

You should post that as an answer and accept it. Maybe include an (abbreviated) code snippet to help others.Leigh

1 Answers


I got it working!

  • The dataString needed to be in base64 instead of hex.

  • The key, when converted to hex using coldFusion is 24 [0-9A-F] chars representing 24x4=96 bits which is 12 Bytes. It needs to be 16 Bytes, so somehow the BinaryEncode(ToBinary()) function doesn't do its job. So I used a string to hex tool to convert it and then subsequently got 32 chars. Edit 2: Also, to install Bouncy Castle I followed the bouncy castle installe instructions and downloaded jce from the bottom of the java downloads page.