I have a set of items with the following values: [username (string), score (number), date (datetime), comment (string)].
For example:
[['joe', 0.3, 5/5/16, "bla"],
['joe', 0.6, 6/5/16, "bli"],
['jim', 0.4, 6/5/16, "blo"],
['jim', 0.7, 7/5/16, "blu"]]
I want to plot one line for each username (I'll have more than 2) on the same line chart, with the date as the horizontal axis and the score on the vertical axis, with a different color for each line.
In the "multiple line types" example in the doc, both series have the same time ticks. Anybody can help / point me to some doc to plot multiple lines with different time values?