
I have a collection that holds documents that contains three fields: first_name, last_name, and age. I'm trying to figure out what query in Mongoose I can use to do a bulk upsert. My app is occasionally receiving a new array of objects with those same three fields. I want the query to check if the first AND last name already exist within a document, and if they do - update the age if it's different. Otherwise, if the first and last name don't exist, insert a new document.

Currently, I'm only doing the import - and haven't yet built out the logic for this upsert piece.

app.post('/users/import', function(req, res) {
  let data = req.body;
  let dataArray = [];
  data.forEach(datum => {
        first: datum.first,
        last: datum.last,
        age: datum.age

User.insertMany(dataArray, answer => {
    console.log(`Data Inserted:`,answer)


And my User model looks like this:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const Schema = mongoose.Schema;

const userSchema = new Schema({
  first: String,
  last: String,
  age: Number,
  created_at: { type: Date, default: Date.now }

var User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
module.exports = User;
What versions of Mongoose and MongoDB are you using?chridam
mongo - 3.2.9 mongoose - 4.6.3lfkwtz
Does this answer your question? Bulk upsert in MongoDB using mongooseMir-Ismaili

8 Answers


([email protected], [email protected])


await GasStation.collection.bulkWrite([ // <<==== use the model name
    'updateOne': {
      'filter': { 'id': '<some id>' },
      'update': { '$set': { /* properties to update */ } },
      'upsert': true,  // <<==== upsert in every document
  /* other operations here... */

Long story:

After struggling with Mongoose API poor documentation, I solved the bulk upsert tweaking updateOne:{} operation in the bulkWrite() method.

A couple of undocumented things to consider:

// suppose:
var GasStation = mongoose.model('gasstation', gasStationsSchema);
var bulkOps = [ ];

// for ( ... each gasStation to upsert ...) {
  let gasStation = { country:'a', localId:'b', xyz:'c' };
  // [populate gasStation as needed]
  // Each document should look like this: (note the 'upsert': true)
  let upsertDoc = {
    'updateOne': {
      'filter': { 'country': gasStation.country, 'localId': gasStation.localId },
      'update': gasStation,
      'upsert': true
// end for loop

// now bulkWrite (note the use of 'Model.collection')
  .then( bulkWriteOpResult => {
    console.log('BULK update OK');
    console.log(JSON.stringify(bulkWriteOpResult, null, 2));
  .catch( err => {
    console.log('BULK update error');
    console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));

The two key things here are incomplete API documentation issues (at the time of writing, at least):

  • 'upsert': true in each document. This is not documented in Mongoose API (), which often refers to node-mongodb-native driver. Looking at updateOne in this driver, you could think to add 'options':{'upsert': true}, but, no... that won't do. I also tried to add both cases to the bulkWrite(,[options],) argument, with no effect either.
  • GasStation.collection.bulkWrite(). Although Mongoose bulkWrite() method claims it should be called Model.bulkWrite() (in this case, GasStation.bulkWrite()), that will trigger MongoError: Unknown modifier: $__. So, Model.collection.bulkWrite() must be used.

Additionally, note:

  • You don't need to use the $set mongo operator in the updateOne.update field, since mongoose handles it in case of upsert (see bulkWrite() comments in example).
  • Note that my unique index in the schema (needed for upsert to work properly) is defined as:

gasStationsSchema.index({ country: 1, localId: 1 }, { unique: true });

Hope it helps.

==> EDIT: (Mongoose 5?)

As noticed by @JustinSmith, the $set operator added by Mongoose doesn't seem to be working anymore. Maybe it's because of Mongoose 5?

In any case, using $set explicitly should do:

'update': { '$set': gasStation },

Thank @maganap. I used his/her answer and reached below concise approach:

await Model.bulkWrite(docs.map(doc => ({
    updateOne: {
        filter: {id: doc.id},
        update: doc,
        upsert: true,

Or more verbose:

const bulkOps = docs.map(doc => ({
    updateOne: {
        filter: {id: doc.id},
        update: doc,
        upsert: true,

        .then(bulkWriteOpResult => console.log('BULK update OK:', bulkWriteOpResult))
        .catch(console.error.bind(console, 'BULK update error:'))

I have released a small plugin for Mongoose that exposes a static upsertMany method to perform bulk upsert operations with a promise interface. This should provide a very clean way of doing bulk upserts with Mongoose, while retaining schema validation etc:

MyModel.upsertMany(items, ['matchField', 'other.nestedMatchField']);

You can find this plugin on npm or Github:

https://github.com/meanie/mongoose-upsert-many https://www.npmjs.com/package/@meanie/mongoose-upsert-many


I tried @magnap's solution above and found that it was overwriting the currently existing documents that I simply wanted to update. Rather than updating the fields I set in updates.updateOne, it was selecting the document and replacing all of its fields with the ones specified in .update.

I eventually had to use $set in my update method to resolve this. Here's what my controller ended up looking like:

const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb');

exports.bulkUpsert = (req, res, next) => {
     const { updates } = req.body;
     const bulkOps = updates.map(update => ({
         updateOne: {
             filter: { _id: ObjectId(update.id) },
             // Where field is the field you want to update
             update: { $set: { field: update.field } },
             upsert: true
    // where Model is the name of your model
    return Model.collection
        .then(results => res.json(results))
        .catch(err => next(err));

This works with Mongoose 5.1.2.


Hope my answer HERE helps you out. It deals with bulk upsert for an ecommerce domain asynchronously


you can use array.map instead use for

 const result = await Model.bulkWrite(
    documents.map(document => {
        document = {
          ...document, ...{
            last_update: Date.now(),
            foo: 'bar'
        return {
          updateOne: {
            filter: {document_id: document.document_id}, //filter for each item
            update: {
              $set: document,//update whole document
              $inc: {version: 1}//increase version + 1
            upsert: true //upsert document

Found the official solution on: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/Bulk.find.upsert/

And Mongoose also supports same chain.


Tested it works:

BulkWriteResult {
   { ok: 1,
     writeErrors: [],
     writeConcernErrors: [],
     insertedIds: [],
     nInserted: 0,
     nUpserted: 1,
     nMatched: 4186,
     nModified: 0,
     nRemoved: 0,
     upserted: [ [Object] ] } }

check this i hope this will helpfull for you link


I think you are looking for the


yo can use this

bulk = db.yourCollection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
for (<your for statement>) {
    bulk.find({ID: <your id>, HASH: <your hash>}).upsert().update({<your update fields>});
bulk.execute(<your callback>)
  • If it finds one, it will update that document using {}
  • Otherwise, it will create a new document