You don't need to manage limit (1000) as @neil-lunn suggested. Mongoose does this already. I used his great answer as a basis for this complete Promise-based implementation & example:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Show = mongoose.model('Show', {
"id": Number,
"title": String,
"provider": {'type':String, 'default':'eztv'}
* Atomic connect Promise - not sure if I need this, might be in mongoose already..
* @return {Priomise}
function connect(uri, options){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
mongoose.connect(uri, options, function(err){
if (err) return reject(err);
* Bulk-upsert an array of records
* @param {Array} records List of records to update
* @param {Model} Model Mongoose model to update
* @param {Object} match Database field to match
* @return {Promise} always resolves a BulkWriteResult
function save(records, Model, match){
match = match || 'id';
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var bulk = Model.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
var query = {};
query[match] = record[match];
bulk.find(query).upsert().updateOne( record );
bulk.execute(function(err, bulkres){
if (err) return reject(err);
* Map function for EZTV-to-Show
* @param {Object} show EZTV show
* @return {Object} Mongoose Show object
function mapEZ(show){
return {
title: show.title,
id: Number(,
provider: 'eztv'
// if you are not using EZTV, put shows in here
var shows = []; // giant array of {id: X, title: "X"}
// var eztv = require('eztv');
// eztv.getShows({}, function(err, shows){
// if(err) return console.log('EZ Error:', err);
// var shows =;
console.log('found', shows.length, 'shows.');
connect('mongodb://localhost/tv', {}).then(function(db){
save(shows, Show).then(function(bulkRes){
console.log('Bulk complete.', bulkRes);
}, function(err){
console.log('Bulk Error:', err);
}, function(err){
console.log('DB Error:', err);
// });
This has the bonus of closing the connection when it's done, displaying any errors if you care, but ignoring them if not (error callbacks in Promises are optional.) It's also very fast. Just leaving this here to share my findings. You can uncomment the eztv stuff if you want to save all eztv shows to a database, as an example.