I currently have a collection in Mongodb say "Collection1". I have the following array of objects that need to be into inserted into MongoDB. I am using Mongoose API. For now, I am iterating through the array and inserting each of them into mongo. This is ok for now, but will be a problem when the data is too big. I need a way of inserting the data in bulk into MongoDB without repetition. I am not sure how to do this. I could not find a bulk option in Mongoose.
My code below
myData = [Obj1,Obj2,Obj3.......]
function saveToMongo(obj){
(new Collection1(obj)).save(function (err, response) {
if (err) {
// console.log('Error while inserting: ' + obj.name + " " +err);
} else {
// console.log('Data successfully inserted');
return Collection1(obj);