I have a huge database of size 260GB, which is storing a ton of transaction information. It has Agent, Customer,Phone,ID_Card as the nodes. Relationships are as follows: Agent_Send, Customer_Send,Customer_at_Agent, Customer_used_Phone,Customer_used_ID.
A single agent is connected to many customers .And hence hitting the agent node while querying a path is not feasible. Below is my query:
match p=((ph: Phone {Phone_ID : "3851308.0"})-[r:Customer_Send
| Customer_used_ID | Customer_used_Phone *1..5]-(n2))
with nodes(p) as ns
return extract (node in ns | Labels(node) ) as Labels
I am starting with a phone number and trying to extract a big "Customer" network. I am intentionally not touching the "Customer_at_Agent" relationship in the above networked query as it is not optimal as far as performance is concerned.
So, the idea is to extract all the "Customer" labeled nodes from the path and match it with [Customer_at_Agent] relationship.
For instance , something like:
match p=((ph: Phone {Phone_ID : "3851308.0"})-[r:Customer_Send
| Customer_used_ID | Customer_used_Phone *1..5]-(n2))
with nodes(p) as ns
return extract (node in ns | Labels(node) ) as Labels
of "type customer as c "
optional match (c)-[r1:Customer_at_Agent]-(n3)
return distinct p,r1
I am still new to neo4j and cypher and I am not able to figure out a hack to extract only "customer" nodes from the path and use that in the optional match.
Thanks in advance.