
I'm trying to get an Azure site set up so that it will handle all (wildcard) subdomains, and not require any manual addition of a CNAME record every time a new customer signs up and chooses a subdomain like xyz.mysite.com

I'm following this guide: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/waws/2015/12/01/mapping-a-wildcard-domain-name-to-an-azure-app-services-web-app-website/

I'm temporarily using a the domain www.joburger.co.za

I've created the A, CNAME & TXT records on the domain (did them all to be sure). In Azure, I've added the hostname www.joburger.co.za and it works.

In Azure, I can also add another hostname for a subdomain, like test.joburger.co.za, and it works too.

But if I don't add a hostname in Azure, then it doesn't work.

How do I get Azure to handle the wildcards without having to manually add the hostnames each time?


3 Answers


In your domain manager make sure you have...

  • CNAME * entry that points to yourapp.azurewebsites.net
  • CNAME awverify entry that points to awverify.yourapp.azurewebsites.net

Then in Azure, go to your App Service > Custom Domains and add a hostname *.yourdomain.com. This validates that the hostname is valid and if everything's good you can add the new wild card entry to your hostnames list.

enter image description here


To clarify, is your question about how you configure your web site to accept wildcard subdomains, or is it about how you configure your DNS service?

If you are using Azure DNS (or any other DNS for that matter), you need to create a wildcard DNS record, *.joburger.co.za. I.e. the record name is '*' and the DNS zone name is joburger.co.za.