I want to add a wildcard hostname to multiple Azure WebApps e.g. *.mydomain.com
I have read https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-custom-domain-name-migrate which suggests I can bind the domain name pre-emptively using a TXT DNS record.
To verify domain ownership, Add a TXT record. The TXT record maps from awverify. to .azurewebsites.net.
I have tried to add awverify.* TXT myapp.azurewebsites.net
but get error message:
Each label must only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and/or dashes. Each label should be separated from other labels by a period. A wildcard ('*' character) is permitted either as the single character in the name, or as the first label in the name.
I want to assign the wildcard domain to multiple WebApps and they change the DNS CNames for specific subdomains without an downtime.
How is this possible?
Our custom hostname feature allows you to bypass validation for hostnames that have already been validated. You only need to verify domain ownership when you add a hostname for the first time. For all other apps in the same subscription, you can add the same hostname without creating any DNS records.
It always asks to validate the hostname in a new site within the same subscription. – Andrew Jocelyn