I am taking a screenshot of an android device using ADB and receiving the screenshot as raw byte data.
I know the raw byte data coming through is in the format rgba
Red is offset 0, Green offset 8, Blue offset 16, Alpha offset 24, each value is 1 byte. This makes up the entire byte array.
I am trying to convert this byte array to a Bitmap in C# and it is working for the most part, the image looks correct in every way apart from the fact that it is coming through with a 'blue hue' -- the coloring is off.
The following is the code I'm using to convert my raw byte data:
int WriteBitmapFile(string filename, int width, int height, byte[] imageData)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageData))
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0,
IntPtr pNative = bmpData.Scan0;
Marshal.Copy(imageData, 0, pNative, imageData.Length);
return 1;
I've read in this post that it could be to do with the byte order of the actual rgba values. As you can see in the code above, I tried casting my bmpData.Scan0 to int* and it is still coming through with a blue hue.
I'm wracking my brain as to what I can do now to get this image to come through with the correct colors. I'm assuming it's reading red as blue and blue as red or vice versa.
I thought I could manipulate the raw byte data so that it is in the correct byte order when converting it to a bitmap, however I'm not sure how I can go about doing that.
Any suggestions?
taking a screenshot of an android device using ADB
. Can you please tell how you do that? – greenappsMemoryStream
for? – Jeroen van Langen