I have a python program using serial port to connect with Arduino. I want to plot some data in real time without slowing down the execution, so I try multiprocessing. However, I got the error
serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port 'COM6': WindowsError(5, 'Access is denied.') # COM6 is the port connected to Arduino
Surprisingly, the connection between Arduino is still alive while the function in multiprocessing is not running. My code is as follows,
class ArduinoThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, portnum):
self.Arduino = serial.Serial(port="COM"+str(portnum), baudrate=19200)
def run(self):
# some function
def MyPlot_realtime(DATA):
while True:
data = DATA.get(False)
UNO = ArduinoThread(6)
pltQ = multiprocessing.Queue()
pltP = multiprocessing.Process(target=MyPlot_realtime, args=(pltQ,))
while True:
# some calculation on data
if pltQ.empty():
Simply commenting the multiprocessing part the code can work well. The error pop out when there is multiprocessing but the UNO.update(data)
is still working while MyPlt_realtime
is not working at all.
(My code is quite complicated so I simplified it. I am using another serial port to connect another device. I am using Tkinter as well. Hope the problem didn't come from those part)