I am trying to connect to some router using the above code and I am using juniperj2320.py module and in test file I have am using code base from this http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/clauzsistel08/trunk/dist/
from localconf import *
from juniperj2320 import *
import sys
import traceback
# Now configure the router
router = JuniperJ2320(SERIALDEVICE)
except RouterConfigurationException, err:
print "Router configuration error: ", err
print "Please try again."
but am getting this following error
./test.py > /root/pyserial-2.6/examples/serialrouter.py(37)__init__() -> serial.Serial.__init__(self, serialdevice, baudrate=baudrate, \ (Pdb) c Traceback (most recent call last): File "./test.py", line 30, in router = JuniperJ2320(SERIALDEVICE) File "/root/pyserial-2.6/examples/juniperj2320.py", line 32, in __init__ BYTESIZE, PARITY, STOPBITS, TIMEOUT) File "/root/pyserial-2.6/examples/serialrouter.py", line 44, in __init__ fdpexpect.fdspawn.__init__(self, self.fileno()) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fdpexpect.py", line 40, in __init__ spawn.__init__(self, None, args, timeout, maxread, searchwindowsize, logfile ) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pexpect.py", line 412, in __init__ self.closed = True # File-like object. AttributeError: can't set attribute
and absolutely clue less on wat happening here ! any help ll be greatly appreciated