
I want to setup multiple JMS nodes (brokers) which have multiple topics. Recently I discovered failover feature (http://activemq.apache.org/failover-transport-reference.html#FailoverTransportReference-BrokersideOptionsforFailover) which allows consumers to be distributed among all the broker nodes + redirects in case if target node failed. I'm new to JMS and to ActiveMQ and perhaps my question would sound stupidly, but anyway:

I wonder if ActiveMQ supports distributed Topics from producer point of view so when producer publishes the message then it appears in a cluster rather than in a single cluster node (to where producer publishes it). The reason why I'm interested in this kind of feature is because I'm afraid that if this single node (where producer publishes message) fails, then producer will not be able to publish messages until this node is up again. But it would be much more reliable if producer could publish a message to a cluster (just as producer uses failover feature) and if the original topic holder node is down, then message is just redirected to other broker nodes. I've been looking for some examples and was unable to find them. Could anybody give a hint if ActiveMQ supports this kind of feature? Thanks


1 Answers


Yes, you combine the failover: scheme to provide client-side recovery and then use the network-of-broker on the server-side to distribute the messages to other consumers in the cluster.