
As a developer I need to have a JMS clustered so that only one node processes a task (task mean queue message) and tasks can be processed by another node when one goes down.


  • JMS queue is replicated on a cluster nodes
  • task is only processed once (at one node, without distributed queues)
  • tasks are continuously processed even when some nodes are taken down
  • application can be run on a single node without code changes or recompilation

Application technology stack at the moment:

Web application based on Spring 3.2.X and with embedded ActiveMQ broker which staring during application initialization (< amq:broker />) without persistence. Only this application use created broker. Application running on JBoss 5.0.1.

Now I have to decide which approach we will use for fail-over clustering mentioned above. I was thinking about switch to JBoss messaging (provided by that version of JBoss) but I noticed that this implementation is old and has a lot of bugs.

Currently I hesitate between following possibilities:

  • embedded ActiveMQ on two JBoss nodes (http://activemq.apache.org/integrating-apache-activemq-with-jboss.html) connected as cluster
  • only deploy ActiveMQ to JBoss without integration (I noticed that ActiveMQ 5.9 starts without integration mentioned under above link at activemq-jms-ds.xml and I can connect to JMS directly, without connection factory and JNDI defined at Spring). Am I right ?
  • two embedded brokers starting with Spring application on both nodes and connected as cluster (?) Is it possible ?
  • separately started two ActiveMQ servers connected as cluster (newer version of ActiveMQ doesn't require container and can run separately)

Which of above could be the best ? Should I do that another way ?

JMS clustering is relatively new for me so all comments / remarks are welcome.

The question is not really related to Spring as it will happily connect to whatever JMS broker infrastructure you put in place. JMS clustering is provided with commercial full-blown application server. In the open source world, I would look at HornetQ.Stephane Nicoll
Hi Stephane, please take a look at selected solution...Przemek Nowak

1 Answers


I decided to use external ActiveMQ configured at both servers as failover cluster (and clients are connecting by failover protocol provided by ActiveMQ). The ActiveMQ is deployed to JBoss servers.

I also tried run embedded ActiveMQ in Spring configured as failover cluster but I had one general problem: with failover configuration one ActiveMQ broker is waiting for lock on file/db and this situation suspend the initialization of the Spring context - that is the reason why I couldn't use this approach (the application at second node should work).