
So the Guile procedure "procedure->pointer" takes a return type, Scheme function, and a list of parameter types, and returns a C function pointer.

procedure->pointer: (return type, Scheme function, list of parameter types) -> C function pointer

My question is, if I define a custom type "foo" in C (either through a typedef or a struct definition), how do I register it in Guile such that I can use "foo" as a return type or parameter type in procedure->pointer? Would I be passing procedure->pointer a symbol called "foo," or a Scheme variable called "foo?"

Edit: I would like to call something like:

foo (*c_foo_func)(foo) = scm_procedure_to_pointer(foo, scm_foo_func, scm_list_1(foo));
It would be helpful to add relevant code to your question.ben rudgers
Sure, here it is.MoronicAcid
From discussion in comments: OP is trying to call H5Literate from HDF5. This requires passing a Scheme procedure to a C function. One of the arguments to the Scheme procedure is a pointer to a struct.tom

1 Answers


C typedef declarations

In C, typedef declarations create synonyms, not new types. Look up the declarations to discover the real type. For example, the signature of H5Fclose is

herr_t H5Fclose(hid_t file_id);

The types herr_t and hid_t are declared in the HDF5 header files as

typedef int herr_t;
typedef int hid_t;

So to create a Scheme procedure that wraps H5Fclose, use

(pointer->procedure int (dynamic-func "H5Fclose" ...) (list int))

Alternatively, the same synonyms can be defined in Scheme:

(define herr_t int)
(define hid_t int)

Then you can write

(pointer->procedure herr_t (dynamic-func "H5Fclose" ...) (list hid_t))

Passing structs by pointer

In C, structs are usually passed to and from functions by pointer. For example, the signature of callbacks passed to H5Literate is

herr_t op(hid_t group, const char *name, const H5L_info_t *info, void *op_data);

H5L_info_t is a struct type which is passed by pointer.

The representation of the callback's argument types in Scheme is

(list int '* '* '*)

The functions make-c-struct and parse-c-struct (reference) create and read struct pointers. They need to know the layout of the struct, which is given as a list with the types of the struct members.

Passing structs by value

Guile also supports passing structs by value, though it isn't documented. The functions pointer->procedure and procedure->pointer (reference) take the return and argument types. To denote a struct that is passed by value, use a list with the types of the struct members.

Manipulation of the struct values in Scheme is still done using make-c-struct and parse-c-struct (the struct values are automatically converted to pointers and back).


The following example demonstrates how to pass a Scheme procedure to the C function H5Literate. It is a translation of "Iterate over Groups w/ H5Literate" from the HDF5 C Examples.

The sample data file h5ex_g_iterate.h5 needs to be in the working directory.

A lot of code is required to replicate the types and constants from the HDF5 headers, but the actual program is quite short (it's at the very end).

 (system foreign)
 (rnrs bytevectors))

(define libhdf5 (dynamic-link "libhdf5"))

;; HDF5 typedefs

;; typedef int herr_t;
(define herr_t int)
;; typedef int hid_t;
(define hid_t int)

;; typedef enum H5_index_t {
;;     H5_INDEX_UNKNOWN = -1,      /* Unknown index type                   */
;;     H5_INDEX_NAME,              /* Index on names                       */
;;     H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER,         /* Index on creation order              */
;;     H5_INDEX_N                  /* Number of indices defined            */
;; } H5_index_t;
(define H5_index_t int)
(define H5_INDEX_NAME 0)

;; typedef enum {
;;     H5_ITER_UNKNOWN = -1,       /* Unknown order */
;;     H5_ITER_INC,                /* Increasing order */
;;     H5_ITER_DEC,                /* Decreasing order */
;;     H5_ITER_NATIVE,             /* No particular order, whatever is fastest */
;;     H5_ITER_N                   /* Number of iteration orders */
;; } H5_iter_order_t;
(define H5_iter_order_t int)
(define H5_ITER_NATIVE 2)

;; typedef herr_t (*H5L_iterate_t)(hid_t group, const char *name, const H5L_info_t *info,
;;     void *op_data);
(define H5L_iterate_t '*)

;; typedef uint64_t haddr_t;
(define haddr_t uint64)

;; typedef enum H5O_type_t {
;;     H5O_TYPE_UNKNOWN = -1,      /* Unknown object type          */
;;     H5O_TYPE_GROUP,             /* Object is a group            */
;;     H5O_TYPE_DATASET,           /* Object is a dataset          */
;;     H5O_TYPE_NAMED_DATATYPE,    /* Object is a named data type  */
;;     H5O_TYPE_NTYPES             /* Number of different object types (must be last!) */
;; } H5O_type_t;
(define H5O_type_t int)
(define H5O_TYPE_GROUP 0)
(define H5O_TYPE_DATASET 1)

;; time_t is long on POSIX systems
(define time_t long)

;; typedef unsigned long long      hsize_t;
;; (system foreign) doesn't have long long, use uint64 and cross our fingers
(define hsize_t uint64)

;; typedef struct H5O_hdr_info_t {
;;     unsigned version;           /* Version number of header format in file */
;;     unsigned nmesgs;            /* Number of object header messages */
;;     unsigned nchunks;           /* Number of object header chunks */
;;     unsigned flags;             /* Object header status flags */
;;     struct {
;;         hsize_t total;          /* Total space for storing object header in file */
;;         hsize_t meta;           /* Space within header for object header metadata information */
;;         hsize_t mesg;           /* Space within header for actual message information */
;;         hsize_t free;           /* Free space within object header */
;;     } space;
;;     struct {
;;         uint64_t present;       /* Flags to indicate presence of message type in header */
;;         uint64_t shared;        /* Flags to indicate message type is shared in header */
;;     } mesg;
;; } H5O_hdr_info_t;
(define H5O_hdr_info_t

;; typedef struct H5_ih_info_t {
;;     hsize_t     index_size;     /* btree and/or list */
;;     hsize_t     heap_size;
;; } H5_ih_info_t;
(define H5_ih_info_t

;; typedef struct H5O_info_t {
;;     unsigned long       fileno;         /* File number that object is located in */
;;     haddr_t             addr;           /* Object address in file       */
;;     H5O_type_t          type;           /* Basic object type (group, dataset, etc.) */
;;     unsigned            rc;             /* Reference count of object    */
;;     time_t              atime;          /* Access time                  */
;;     time_t              mtime;          /* Modification time            */
;;     time_t              ctime;          /* Change time                  */
;;     time_t              btime;          /* Birth time                   */
;;     hsize_t             num_attrs;      /* # of attributes attached to object */
;;     H5O_hdr_info_t      hdr;            /* Object header information */
;;     /* Extra metadata storage for obj & attributes */
;;     struct {
;;         H5_ih_info_t   obj;             /* v1/v2 B-tree & local/fractal heap for groups, B-tree for chunked datasets */
;;         H5_ih_info_t   attr;            /* v2 B-tree & heap for attributes */
;;     } meta_size;
;; } H5O_info_t;
(define H5O_info_t
(define (make-H5O_info_t)
  "Returns a pointer to a zero-initialized H50_info_t struct."
  (bytevector->pointer (make-bytevector (sizeof H5O_info_t) 0)))
(define (parse-H5O_info_t foreign)
  (parse-c-struct foreign H5O_info_t))
(define (H5O_info_t-type vals)
  (list-ref vals 2))

;; HDF5 constants

;; #define H5F_ACC_RDONLY  (H5CHECK 0x0000u)
(define H5F_ACC_RDONLY 0)

;; #define H5P_DEFAULT     (hid_t)0
(define H5P_DEFAULT 0)

;; HDF5 functions

;; hid_t
;; H5Fopen(const char *filename, unsigned flags, hid_t fapl_id);
(define H5Fopen
   (dynamic-func "H5Fopen" libhdf5)
   (list '* unsigned-int hid_t)))

;; herr_t
;; H5Literate(hid_t grp_id, H5_index_t idx_type, H5_iter_order_t order,
;;     hsize_t *idx_p, H5L_iterate_t op, void *op_data);
(define H5Literate
   (dynamic-func "H5Literate" libhdf5)
   (list hid_t H5_index_t H5_iter_order_t '* H5L_iterate_t '*)))

;; herr_t
;; H5Fclose(hid_t file_id);
(define H5Fclose
   (dynamic-func "H5Fclose" libhdf5)
   (list hid_t)))

;; herr_t
;; H5Oget_info_by_name(hid_t loc_id, const char *name, H5O_info_t *oinfo, hid_t lapl_id);
(define H5Oget_info_by_name
   (dynamic-func "H5Oget_info_by_name" libhdf5)
   (list hid_t '* '* hid_t)))

(define FILE "h5ex_g_iterate.h5")

(define (main)
  (let ((status 0)
        (file (H5Fopen (string->pointer FILE) H5F_ACC_RDONLY H5P_DEFAULT)))
    (display "Objects in root group:\n")
    (set! status (H5Literate file H5_INDEX_NAME H5_ITER_NATIVE %null-pointer
                             op_func_ptr %null-pointer))
    (set! status (H5Fclose file))

;; Operator function. Prints the name and type of the object
;; being examined.
;; C signature:
;; herr_t op_func (hid_t loc_id, const char *name, const H5L_info_t *info,
;;             void *operator_data)
(define (op_func loc_id name info operator_data)
  (let ((status 0)
        (name-str (pointer->string name))
        (infobuf (make-H5O_info_t)))
    (set! status (H5Oget_info_by_name loc_id name infobuf H5P_DEFAULT))
    (let ((type (H5O_info_t-type (parse-H5O_info_t infobuf))))
       ((= type H5O_TYPE_GROUP)
        (format #t "  Group: ~a\n" name-str))
       ((= type H5O_TYPE_DATASET)
        (format #t "  Dataset: ~a\n" name-str))
       ((= type H5O_TYPE_NAMED_DATATYPE)
        (format #t "  Datatype: ~a\n" name-str))
        (format #t "  Unknown: ~a\n" name-str))))

(define op_func_ptr (procedure->pointer herr_t op_func (list hid_t '* '* '*)))
