Using python 2.7 and openpyxl, I am inserting an IF formula into excel worksheet that references fields in other sheet.
While other formulas work (CONTIF, COUTN, SUM, etc) I kind of do not find the reason for this "simple" IF formula does not to work. Only IF is the problem
This is my code
for i in range(0,len(sortedWorkers)):
for a, rr in enumerate(dates):
row_nb = i + 3
coll = 3 + a
clmn_letter = get_column_letter(coll + 3)
# =IF(Worked!I$2=7;Worked!I3;"")
valFormula = '=IF(Worked!%s$2=7;Worked!%s%s;"")' %(clmn_letter,clmn_letter, str(row_nb))
_cl = ws12.cell(column= coll, row= row_nb, value=valFormula)
in the comment you can se the formula. The format is correct. It also works if I manually insert it into excel.
Also field coordinates and everything matches.
Any suggestions? Thank you