
I'm currently testing my application using phpmyadmin as my local web server.

Here's the steps I've taken so far:

  1. In the Test Plan, I added a Thread Group, an HTTP Request Defaults and Recording Controller.
  2. In the Workbench, I added a HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder, and a View Results Tree.

I already removed the contents in the No proxy for field in my browser, after removing that, the View Results Tree is working and is recording the pages I've navigate in my application.

My problems and questions are:

  1. The Recording Controller is not recording the pages I navigated.
  2. What did I do wrong?
  3. Is Recording Controller not applicable for localhost web server testing?

I hope that someone may help me with this. Thank you.

Hi yes. I'm sorry for this late feedback. I reviewed the steps I've taken, and that my mistake was that I did not include a .*\.php as URL to Include in the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder. I remembered lately that all my files in my localhost was my .php files, and that solved my problem.julyxx
Its done. Thank you again!julyxx

2 Answers


Check in your browser configuration that localhost is not excluded from proxy managed urls.

Also be aware that you shoud use the Recording Template.

In Menu, select File > Templates > Recording.



Also please check if you are using correct path for recording in HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder ->Recording controller, also port number should same on HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder and browser proxy.