I'm trying to solve problem when i have two Observables which I want to combine into single value in Angular2 and Angularfire2
lets imagine I have bank account and transactions of two types, outgoing and incoming (its just use case i created for purpose of practice). And I want to sum them together to get actual account balance.
<div *ngFor="let account of accounts | async">
{{ (transactionService.getAccountBalance(account) | async )?.balance }}
and finally the service which should provide the data
return Observable.zip(
this.getIncomingTransactionsForAccount(account), // FirebaseListObservable
this.getOutcomingTransactionsForAccount(account) // FirebaseListObservable
, (incoming, outcoming) => {
let result = {
account: account.$key,
balance: someCalculatedNumber
console.log(result); // result is correct there
return result;
This one causes infinite loop on Firebase (and doesn't display data in template). I also tried Observer.merge()
and some others but I think I'm just trying to use absolutely wrong approach.
Appreciate any help, thanks!
just tried another solution, use just one stream to count all incoming transactions:
public getAllIncoming(account: IAccount){
return this.getIncomingTransactionsForAccount(account)
.scan((x, y) => {
console.log(x, y);
return 1;
}, 0);
generates infinite queries again.
i tried also forkJoin
public getAccount2Balance(account: IAccount) {
return Observable.forkJoin([
], (incoming, outcoming) => {
let result = {
account: account.$key,
balance: someCalculatedNumber
return result;
with same template as above. result: value is not displayed in template and console.log with result is NOT printed
Observable.forkJoin([obs1, obs2, ...])
? – BradObservable.forkJoin()
should do what you need. – martin