Having some real issues with how to achieve the following. I have a service with a function that returns a list of events with a key. I then want to pass this key to another function, which returns a more detailed object, in other data such as number of messages and owner information. Then I subscribe in component.
Currently I am using a .map operator with a forEach and then a subscribe to get the other info. I think I need to use a switchMap (to remove the inner subscribe) but cannot for the life of me get this to work. Have also tried flatMat, MergeMap, forkJoin and Observable.from but just confusing myself. Relevant start of code is below
return this.afs.collection<Event>(`users/${this.currentFirebaseUserObj.uid}/eventsByUser`)
.map((allEvents) => {allEvents.forEach(event =>{
Now I want to return the result of the getCompleteEvent()
function, which returns an Observable of type Event to replace the above event object, and I am thinking I need to subscribe to this, but how can I return the result of the second call and replace the first Event Object i.e.
this.getCompleteEvent(event.key).subscribe(completeEvent => {
return completeEvent
On the other hand I can add specific fields to the Event Object in the forEach via different functions, but wanted a getComplete
function to return the entire object after subscribing i.e.
event.userOwnerObj = this.getUserObject(event.ownerId);
event.noOfMessage = this.getNoOfMessages(event.key);
Feels like a mess and not sure of the best way to structure this part.