I'm trying to install Cocoalumberjack as a pod and am getting this error:
ProjectName [Release]
target overrides theSWIFT_VERSION
build setting defined in `Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-ProjectName/Pods-ProjectName.release.xcconfig'. This can lead to problems with the CocoaPods installation
The pod xcconfig file contains this:
But my project is already using swift 3. so I don't understand why there's this mismatch.
xcrun swift -version
Apple Swift version 3.0 (swiftlang-800.0.46.2 clang-800.0.38)
However I cannot see a SWIFT_VERSION in particular anywhere in Xcode's build settings, nor if I type in swift as the search term in the Xcode's build settings can I see anything anywhere that even looks like a swift version number
Additionally the pod installation goes on to say:"Use the $(inherited)
flag" to solve the problem.
However my Xcode build settings other linker flags already has this $(inherited) flag, so why is that not solving the problem?
(Xcode 8)