
I have an array of object called options.

this is my html code


        <ion-select [(ngModel)]="place" (click)="optionsFn(item);">
          <ion-option value="item" *ngFor="let item of options">{{item.name}} &nbsp;&nbsp;{{item.price}}</ion-option> 



this is my .ts file code


  options =  [
            "product_option_value_id": "45",
            "name": "Bangalore Auto",
            "quantity": "12",
            "sku": "56876",
            "price": "100.00",
            "salesprice": "50"
            "product_option_value_id": "51",
            "name": "Hyderabad Auto",
            "quantity": "23",
            "sku": "56543",
            "price": "200.00",
            "salesprice": "60"
            "product_option_value_id": "52",
            "name": "Delhi Auto",
            "quantity": "14",
            "sku": "98767",
            "price": "300.00",
            "salesprice": "80"
  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {


  optionsFn(item) {//here item is an object 
    this.product_option_value_idOp = item.product_option_value_id;
    this.priceOp = item.price;
    this.salespriceOp = item.salesprice;
    this.quantityOp = item.quantity;
    this.skuOp = item.sku;
    this.nameOp = item.name;

i am able to invoke the function but i am getting undefined in console.log(item)

its not working because you are calling optionsFn function from select tag. you have to add it on ion-option tagranakrunal9
@ranakrunal9 i think click functions should be used on ion-select tag only if i use in ion-options tag i am not able to invoke the function itselfMohan Gopi
So for using it to ion-select you have to assign [value]=item in ion-option and need to use gaming in your optionsFn function. so remove argument from optionsFn and try to check.ranakrunal9
The value of each option is being set to nes. You are binding the value of select to something called gaming but you don't seem to have that in your component class. Can you please post your full component class.Brad
@Brad i think you are mistaken i am trying to send the item object as a parameter optionsFn(item)Mohan Gopi

6 Answers


There were several things that together caused that error. The first change there is that instead of using the click event like this:


You should use the ionChange event that Ionic exposes like this:


Also notice that since you use the [(ngModel)]="place" to bind the select element to one of your component's properties, you don't need to send the item as a parameter, because this.place will be the selected item when the ionChange event is triggered.

That's why your optionsFn method would look like this:

public optionsFn(): void { //here item is an object 

    let item = this.place; // Just did this in order to avoid changing the next lines of code :P

    this.product_option_value_idOp = item.product_option_value_id;
    this.priceOp = item.price;
    this.salespriceOp = item.salesprice;
    this.quantityOp = item.quantity;
    this.skuOp = item.sku;
    this.nameOp = item.name;

Use (ngModelChange) instead of (click) event.


whenever the model value changed the ngModelChange will automatically call the relative function.

  <ion-select [(ngModel)]="place" (ngModelChange)="optionsFn(item)">
      <ion-option value="item" *ngFor="let item of options">{{item.name}} &nbsp;&nbsp;{{item.price}}</ion-option> 

You can do like this

<ion-select (ionChange)="itemId = $event.target.value">
  <ion-select-option *ngFor="let s of itemIds" value="{{s.id}}">{{s.name}}</ion-select-option>

OR you can also do like this

<ion-select value="{{itemId}}" [(ngModel)]="itemId">
  <ion-select-option *ngFor="let s of itemIds" value="{{s.id}}">{{s.name}}</ion-select-option>

And in you .ts file just declare variable itemId;


As per my experience insted of (ionChange)="optionsFn();" we can use the [(ngModel)]="selectVariable" which can be easily fetch later at the .ts file

  1. On ion-select element set #id and (ionChange)="anyFunc()"
<ion-select (ionChange)="anyFunc()" #anyName>
  <ion-option value="{{item.id}}" *ngFor="let item of apicall?.items"></ion-option>
  1. Edit the ts file accordingly. Most importantly set ViewChild as a Select type from ionic-angular
import { Select } from 'ionic-angular';

@ViewChild('anyName') theSelectObject: Select;

contructor() { }

anyFunc() {
    const theValue = this.theSelectObject.value;

and Good luck!


Check after making below changes :

// html change

<ion-select [(ngModel)]="gaming" (change)="optionsFn();">
  <ion-option [value]="item" *ngFor="let item of options">{{item.name}} &nbsp;&nbsp;{{item.price}}</ion-option> 

//.ts change

optionsFn() {
  let item = this.gaming;
  this.product_option_value_idOp = item.product_option_value_id;
  this.priceOp = item.price;
  this.salespriceOp = item.salesprice;
  this.quantityOp = item.quantity;
  this.skuOp = item.sku;
  this.nameOp = item.name;